Gunns Group of Companies

Access to this information is restricted to shareholders, employees, noteholders or creditors of the company / companies set out in this PwC insolvency case, or representative of such a creditor, or a person engaged by PwC in connection with the PwC case who has been given permission to access this information. To gain access to this information, you have agreed not to communicate any information contained in the Insolvency Cases area relating to the company / companies (which is or may be defamatory) to any person other than another shareholder or creditor of the company / companies.

Gunns Group of Companies
Appointment type
Appointment date24 September 2012
Company details (ACN)


On 25 September 2012, the Directors of the Gunns Group of Companies (the Companies) appointed Ian Carson, Daniel Bryant and Craig Crosbie of PPB Advisory as Voluntary Administrators. On 5 March 2013, creditors resolved to place the Companies in Liquidation. A schedule of the Companies can be found in the documents section below.

Grower information

Gunns Plantations Limited (GPL), one of the Companies, is the responsible entity of:
– Great Southern Plantations Schemes 1998 to 2006
– Gunns Plantations Woodlot Projects 2002 to 2006, 2008 and 2009
– Gunns Plantations Winegrape Projects 2004, 2005 and 2006.

Grower updates, distributions schedules and scheme wind up reports are located in the relevant categories in the documents section below.

For the GPL distribution schedule, please click here.

For the GSP distribution schedule, please click here.

Supreme Court applications

On 27 August 2021, the Liquidators of GPL filed the Originating Process seeking orders in respect of their remuneration and the early destruction of the books and records of the Gunns Group, as flagged below. The application will be heard in the Supreme Court of Victoria on 4 October 2021 at 10:30am.

Copies of the following Court documents are available below:

  • Originating Process (filed on 27 August 2021);
  • Second Affidavit of Craig David Crosbie sworn 26 August 2021;
  • Supporting exhibits to Second Affidavit of Craig David Crosbie sworn 26 August 2021.

The Liquidators of Gunns Plantations Limited (in liquidation) (receivers and managers appointed) (ACN 091 232 209) currently intend to file an originating process with the Supreme Court of Victoria, seeking orders and directions in respect of:

  • their remuneration reasonably incurred in relation to the liquidation of GPL from 1 September 2016 to 31 December 2020;
  • the early destruction of the books and records of the Gunns Group of Companies following the completion of the liquidation.

The Liquidators hereby give notice to all Creditors of Gunns Plantations Limited (GPL) of their intention to apply for orders approving their remuneration in respect of the liquidation of GPL. Any Creditor may file a notice of objection to the remuneration claimed, stating the grounds of objection, by contacting Leah Campbell at

The originating process will be filed on 16 August 2021 (21 days after the publication of this notice).

Copies of the following Court documents are available below:

  • Form 16 addressed to all Creditors of GPL – Notice of Intention to Apply for Remuneration;
  • Affidavit of Craig David Crosbie sworn 13 July 2021;
  • Supporting exhibits to Affidavit of Craig David Crosbie sworn 13 July 2021;
  • Originating Process (unfiled).

Application in respect of payment of sale proceeds arising from realised assets of Great Southern and Gunns Woodlot Schemes

On 10 April 2019, the liquidators of Gunns Plantations Limited (in liquidation) (receivers and managers appointed) (ACN 091 232 209) filed an originating process with the Supreme Court of Victoria, seeking directions and declarations in respect of the payment of sale proceeds arising from realising the assets of the Great Southern and Gunns Woodlot Schemes. In particular, the liquidators sought directions as to whether the sale proceeds should be paid to members of the Schemes (the Growers), the financiers for the Growers, or alternatively into Court pending resolution of any dispute between the Growers and the applicable financiers as to who is entitled to the proceeds.

On 18 December 2019, Justice Robson made orders directing that the liquidators were justified in making distributions as outlined in the annexures to those orders. Payments to financiers were completed on 20 December 2019 and the balance of distributions to be paid to growers are expected to be made as soon as practical after the form return date of 27 March 2020. Any distributions not paid directly to growers will be forwarded to ‘unclaimed monies’ administered by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

A copy of all non-confidential documents filed in the application are available below.



18.12.19 Orders of Justice Riordan made 18 December 2019
16.07.19 Notice of Appearance
21.06.19 Exhibits to affidavit of Eleni Kannis sworn 21 June 2019
21.06.19 Affidavit of Trevor Burdong sworn 21 June 2019
21.06.19 Affidavit of Eleni Kannis sworn 21 June 2019
12.06.19 Notice of appearance (Trevor Burdon)
17.05.19 Orders of Justice Robson made 17 May 2019
10.04.19 1. Originating process filed 10-04-2019
10.04.19 2a. Affidavit of Craig David Crosbie sworn 08-04-2019 filed 10-04-2019
10.04.19 2b. Exhibits CDC-1, CDC-2 and CDC-13 filed 10-04-2019
19.01.18 Distribution schedule - GPL 2002 to 2009
19.01.18 Distribution schedule - GSP 1998 to 2006
08.06.18 Gunns Group- Annual Report 2018
22.01.18 Order of Gardiner made 19 January 2018 (SCI 2013 2095)
19.01.18 Notice to creditors - Scheme Wind up reports - 6 October 2017
19.01.18 2017 Scheme Wind Up Report - GSP 1998
19.01.18 2017 Scheme Wind Up Report - GSP 1999
19.01.18 2017 Scheme Wind Up Report - GSP 2000
19.01.18 2017 Scheme Wind Up Report - GSP 2001
19.01.18 2017 Scheme Wind Up Report - GSP 2002
19.01.18 2017 Scheme Wind Up Report - GSP 2003
19.01.18 2017 Scheme Wind Up Report - GSP 2004
19.01.18 2017 Scheme Wind Up Report - GSP 2005
19.01.18 2017 Scheme Wind Up Report - GSP 2006
19.01.18 Declaration for shareholders - GNS
19.01.18 Declaration for holders of Gunns Forests Securities - GNSPA
19.01.18 Schedule of Gunns Group of Companies
30.10.17 Australian Taxation Office Goods and services tax Class Ruling
30.10.17 Grower update 16 February 2017 - GPL schemes 2002 to 2006-2008-and-2009
30.10.17 Grower update 16 February 2017 - GPL Schemes 2003 and 2004 Option - 2, and 2006 Option 1
30.10.17 Grower update 7 June 2016 - GSP Scheme 2001
30.10.17 Grower-update 4 May 2016 GPL Scheme 2009 Option-3 (1)
30.10.17 Grower update 4 May 2016 - GPL Scheme 2009 Option-3
30.10.17 Grower update 15 April 2016 GSP Scheme 1998
30.10.17 Grower Update 2 April 2015 GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower Update 12 September 2014 GPL Schemes 2002 to 2006 2008 2009
30.10.17 Grower Update 4 July 2014 GPL-2002 to-2006 2008 2009
30.10.17 Grower update 13 June 2014 - GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 7 March 2014 Explanatory Notice - GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 7 March 2014 - GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower Update 5 March 2014 - GPL Schemes 2000 to 2006 - 2008-2009
30.10.17 Grower update 9 November 2013 - GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 1 November 2013 GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 5 September - 2013 GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 12 July 2013 - GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 14 June 2013 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2006-2008
30.10.17 Grower update 12 June 2013 - GSP Scheme 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 9 May 2013 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2006-2008-2009
30.10.17 Grower update 8 May 2013 - GPL Schemes 2000-2001
30.10.17 Growe update 14 April 2013 - GPL Schemes 2000 to 2006-2008-2009
30.10.17 Grower update 6 April 2013 - GPL Schemes 2000 to 2006 - 2008 2009
30.10.17 Grower update 5 April 2013 - GPL Schemes 2000-2001
30.10.17 Grower Update 15 April 2014 - GPL Schemes 2000 to 2006-2008-2009
30.10.17 Grower update 15 April 2016 GSP Scheme 1999
30.10.17 Grower update 15 April 2016 GSP Schemes 2002
30.10.17 Grower Update 15 July 2014 GPL Schemes 2002 to 2006-2008-2009
30.10.17 Grower update 15 May 2013 - GPL Schemes 2000-2001
30.10.17 Grower update 15 May 2013 - GSP Schemes 1998-to-2006
30.10.17 Grower update 16 July 2013 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2006-2008
30.10.17 Grower update 16 May 2013 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2006-2008-2009
30.10.17 Grower Update 17 August 2015 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2009
30.10.17 Grower update 17 September 2015 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2009
30.10.17 Grower update 17 February 2014 - GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 17 September 2015 - GPL Schemes 2006 to 2009 Option 3
30.10.17 Grower update 18 April 2016 - GSP Scheme 2003
30.10.17 Grower update 18 April 2016 - GSP Scheme 2004
30.10.17 Grower update 18 April 2016 - GSP Scheme 2005
30.10.17 Grower update 18 April 2016 - GSP Scheme 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 18 November 2013 - GPL Schemes 2000 to 2006-2008-2009
30.10.17 Grower update 19 April 2013 - GPL Schemes 2000 to 2006 2008 2009
30.10.17 Grower update 19 April 2016 - GSP Scheme 2000
30.10.17 Grower update 19 October 2016 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2006-2008-2009
30.10.17 Grower Update 20 August 2014 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2006-2008-2009
30.10.17 Grower Update 21 May 2014 - GPL Schemes 2000 to 2006-2008-2009
30.10.17 Grower update 21 October 2013 - GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 22 December 2013 - GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 22 December 2016 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2006-2008-and-2009
30.10.17 Grower update 23 August 2013 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2006 2008
30.10.17 Grower Update 23 December 2013 - GPL Schemes 2000 to 2006 2008 2009
30.10.17 Grower update 23 December 2015 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2006 2008 and 2009
30.10.17 Grower update 23 December 2015 - GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 24 May 2016 - GPL Scheme 2003
30.10.17 Grower update 24 May 2016 - GPL Scheme 2004
30.10.17 Grower update 24 May 2016 - GPL Scheme 2006 Option 1
30.10.17 i426-Grower-update-24-May-2016-GPL-Scheme-2008-Option-1
30.10.17 i426-Grower-update-24-October-2012-all-schemes
30.10.17 Grower update 25 September 2013 GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 26 November 2015 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2006 2008 and 2009
30.10.17 Grower update 26 November 2015 GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 26 September 2016 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2009
30.10.17 Grower Update 28 April 2014 GPL Schemes 2000 to 2006-2008-2009
30.10.17 Grower update 28 April 2016 - GPL Scheme 2002 Option 1
30.10.17 Grower update 28 April 2016 - GPL Scheme 2004
30.10.17 Grower update 28 April 2016 - GPL Scheme 2005
30.10.17 Grower update 28 April 2016 - GPL Scheme 2005
30.10.17 Grower update 28 April 2016 - GPL Scheme 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 28 April 2016 - GPL Scheme 2008 Option-2
30.10.17 Grower update 28 April 2016 - GPL Scheme 2009 Option-1
30.10.17 Grower update 28 April 2016 - GPL Scheme 2009-Option-2
30.10.17 Grower update 28 November 2013 - GPL Schemes 2000 to 2006-2008-2009
30.10.17 Grower update 29 April 2015 - GPL Schemes 2006 to 2009 Option-3
30.10.17 Grower update 29 April 2016 - GPL Scheme 2002 Option-2
30.10.17 Grower update 29 April 2016 - GPL Scheme 2003 Option-1
30.10.17 Grower update 29 April 2016 - GPL Scheme 2006 Option-3
30.10.17 Grower update 29 April 2016 - GPL Scheme 2008
30.10.17 Grower update 29 February 2016 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2006-2008-and-2009
30.10.17 Grower update 29 February 2016 - GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 29 January 2015 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2009
30.10.17 Grower update 29 May 2015 - GPL Schemes 2006 to 2009 Option-3
30.10.17 Grower update 29 November 2013 - GPL Schemes 2000 to 2006-2008-2009
30.10.17 Grower update 30 April 2013 - GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower update 30-September 2013 - GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower Update 30 September 2014 - GSP Schemes 1998 to 2006
30.10.17 Grower Update Explanatory Notice 4 July 2014 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2006 2008 2009
30.10.17 Grower Update Explanatory Notice 15 May 2015 - GPL-Schemes-2002-to-2009
30.10.17 Grower Update Explanatory Notice 26 May 2014 - GPL Schemes 2000 to 2006-2008-2009
30.10.17 Grower Update FAQs 15 May 2015 - GPL Schemes 2002 to 2009
30.10.17 Grower update Scheme winding up notice 8 June 2016 GSP Scheme 2001
30.10.17 Grower update Scheme winding up notice 25 May 2016 GPL-Scheme-2002
30.10.17 Grower update Scheme winding up notice 25 May 2016 GPL Scheme 2003
30.10.17 Grower update Scheme winding up notice 25 May 2016 GPL Scheme 2004
30.10.17 Grower update Scheme winding up notice 25 May 2016 GPL Scheme 2005
30.10.17 Grower update Scheme winding up notice 25 May 2016 GPL Scheme-2006
30.10.17 Grower update Scheme winding up notice 25 May 2016 GPL Scheme 2008
30.10.17 Grower update Scheme winding up notice 25 May 2016 GPL Scheme 2009
30.10.17 Grower update Scheme winding up notice 25 May 2016 GSP Scheme 1998
30.10.17 i426-Grower-update-Scheme-winding-up-notice-25-May-2016-GSP-Scheme-1999
30.10.17 Grower update Scheme winding up notice 25 May 2016 GSP Scheme 2000
30.10.17 Grower update Scheme winding up notice 25 May 2016 GSP Scheme 2002
30.10.17 Grower update Scheme winding up notice 25 May 2016 GSP Scheme 2003
30.10.17 Grower update Scheme winding up notice 25 May 2016 GSP Scheme 2004
30.10.17 Grower update Scheme winding up notice 25 May 2016 GSP Scheme 2005
30.10.17 Grower update Scheme winding up notice 25 May 2016 GSP Scheme 2006
30.10.17 GSP Notice to creditors regarding Scheme Wind-Up
30.10.17 GSP 1998 Scheme Wind Up Annual Report
30.10.17 GSP 1999 Scheme Wind Up Annual Report
12.12.17 Scheme Wind Up Reports
30.10.17 GSP 2000 Scheme Wind Up Annual Report
30.10.17 GSP 2001 Scheme Wind Up Annual Report
30.10.17 GSP 2002 Scheme Wind Up Annual Report
30.10.17 GSP 2003 Scheme Wind Up Annual Report
30.10.17 GSP 2004 Scheme Wind Up Annual Report
30.10.17 GSP 2005 Scheme Wind Up Annual Report
30.10.17 GSP 2006 Scheme Wind Up Annual Report
30.10.17 Gunns Plantations Limited Receivers and Managers Appointed in Liquidation GPL Schemes Taxation compliance
30.10.17 Gunns Plantations Limited Receivers and Managers Appointed in Liquidation GSP Schemes Taxation compliance
30.10.17 Gunns Plantations Limited Receivers and Managers Appointed in Liquidation Taxation compliance update September 2016 updated
12.12.17 Scheme Wind Up Report- GSP 2005
12.12.17 Scheme Wind Up Report- GSP 2006
12.12.17 Scheme Wind Up Report- GSP 1998
12.12.17 Scheme Wind Up Report- GSP 1999
12.12.17 Scheme Wind Up Report- GSP 2002
12.12.17 Scheme Wind Up Report- GSP 2003
12.12.17 Scheme Wind Up Report- GSP 2004
12.12.17 Scheme Wind Up Report- GSP 2000

VA Reports

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