Diversity & Inclusion

Our vision is for a thriving, fair and diverse community of solvers, working together respectfully to make a difference. We challenge ourselves to be more inclusive every day because we take the health and happiness of our employees seriously.

A culture of Belonging

Our diversity & inclusion strategy is centred on providing an environment where all our people feel they belong. We know that workplace cultures that build a sense of belonging are crucial for people to thrive and sustainably grow.

Our people are at the centre of everything we do and we want to ensure everyone is able to reach their full potential. Providing an environment where everyone feels they belong is essential to ensuring everyone is productive, motivated and engaged.

Our Belonging strategy, launched in December 2021, focuses on three areas:
  • Behaviours and role models: We are building a culture where people lead with everyday inclusion and wellbeing so we all thrive and sustainably grow. Actions around this include design and delivery of our D&I learning curriculum, training over 3% of our people in mental health first aid, sexual, domestic and family violence, and introduce mandatory BlackCard cultural capability to uplift understanding of appreciation of First Nations history and culture.
  • Diverse talent: We are working to actively support diverse talent to reflect our clients and communities and to understand their needs. 
  • Leadership accountability: We are working to embed psychological safety and mental health into our systems and processes to underpin belonging and prioritise staff wellbeing.

At PwC, we also believe in transparency in our commitment to diversity & inclusion. Read our annual Transparency Report for more.

Our targets

We are committed to addressing inequality in our workplace - it’s a commitment we make from the top down and bottom up. While we are making progress, there is still much more work to be done. We want everyone at work to have equal access to opportunities and to reach their full potential which is why we have introduced targeted interventions to address this.

Established under our Belonging strategy, our 2025 D&I targets include:

  • 40% of all partners are women

  • 20-25% of of all partners are from a non-European diverse cultural background

  • 10% people with disability

  • 8% LGBTIQ+ representation

  • 2% First Nations peoples

Targets alone can be a blunt instrument but when coupled with a plan to build greater inclusivity they can deliver powerful results. We have already introduced and will continue to introduce a range of interventions - including policies, processes and training - to support our targets and to build an environment where all our people feel they belong.  



We also have the following accreditations:

Our inclusion networks

"Everyone who is involved in our grassroots, volunteer-led networks has a huge impact on creating an environment where our people feel safe, included and belong. For many of us, being involved in the networks is how we act on our values and fulfil our purpose. Being part of a network is incredibly rewarding and a great way to meet people and develop new skills."

Meredith Chester, Inclusion@PwC Partner
  • Ability - Ability is a place for people in the firm with disability; together with carers of people with disability and people interested in building a more accessible and inclusive workplace, to go for advice, information and support.

  • Be Well - Be Well drives open and honest conversations about health and wellbeing to support our people to be at their best.

  • Cultural Connections - In addition to providing an avenue for advice and support for people from a diverse cultural background, Cultural Connections celebrates cultural differences and increases cultural awareness across the firm.

  • Families - Families is a network for all employees balancing career and care through all stages of life, including those looking to start a family.

  • Reconciliation - The Reconciliation network engages our staff locally to promote and implement RAP activities and build relationships with local Traditional Owners to inform our activities and commitments.

  • Shine - Shine supports our LGBTIQ+ community and allies. It strengthens our presence in the LGBTIQ+ community, increases awareness among our people, and offers information, support, and networking opportunities.

  • Symmetry - Symmetry is focused on gender equality and aims to facilitate the development of both men and women through opportunities that connect, inspire and empower.

Outside of our inclusion networks, employees are also able to join PwC’s Social Club, Green Team and other groups.



Ability is a place for people in the firm with disability; together with carers of people with disability and people interested in building a more accessible and inclusive


Our Ability network offers a place for people with disability, carers of people with disability and those interested in building a more inclusive workplace. In addition to the support it offers network members and the events it runs, Ability also delivers Disability Confidence Training - a 1.5 hour facilitated awareness session on disability, to help build confidence in working with people with disability, reduce stigma and shift to an inclusive mindset.

“As someone who experiences ADHD, I feel empowered to share my accessibility needs with my leader supported by our Reasonable Adjustments Policy. I have received all of the support I need to be myself and at my best every day, and I’m so appreciative of the disability awareness that the Ability network are driving for our people.”


Be Well

Be Well drives open and honest conversations about health and wellbeing to support our people to be at their best.

Be Well is our employee led network that provides activities, initiatives and a place for connection which bring to life the important message Be Well, Work Well. The network aims to inspire a workforce which understands the role health and wellbeing plays in team culture and performance.

“I have always experienced anxiety in my life, and when starting at PwC - I was comforted to know about the BeWell community. From day one, it was great to find others that I could come to for support, especially as a grad at a big firm! BeWell have also supported me to heighten the focus on wellbeing in my team with regular information to share - it's so easy to get lost in the busy times of work, and I am always supported to prioritise self care in our fast-paced firm everyday but also through policies like our Wellness Benefit Policy and our Balanced Lifestyle Benefit Policy.”


Cultural Connections

In addition to providing an avenue for advice and support for people from a diverse cultural background, Cultural Connections celebrates cultural differences and increases cultural awareness across the firm.

Our Cultural Connections network provides a place for advice, support and connection for our people from all cultures. It celebrates cultural differences and increases cultural awareness across the firm. Cultural Connections offers cultural awareness training, through a 1.5 hour facilitated session designed to build awareness of individual culture, learn how the culture of others impacts the way they communicate and act, and develop a culturally inclusive mindset.

“When I started at PwC, the Cultural Connections network instantly gave me a greater sense of belonging. It is a community of like-minded people, both with lived experience and allies, who share a passion for building cultural awareness. As a person from a different culture, I am proud to work at a firm that prioritises challenging unconscious bias and talking action against racial inequity - and I loved that I was able to prioritise cultural days of significance for my family by using the Floating Public Holidays Policy!”



Families is a network for all employees balancing career and care through all stages of life, including those looking to start a family.

Families is our employee led network for parents, prospective parents, carers and all types of families support group.

“I was initially hesitant to move to another firm while I was going through the adoption process with my partner, but I was so thrilled to be able to use the Parental Leave policy as soon as I joined PwC with 26 weeks leave! I loved being able to join the Familes@PwC network and the Miscarriage and Fertility Support Network to find a community of people with similar experiences to me who are all so passionate about ensuring others are provided with the same opportunity. I feel valued and appreciated for all that I bring to the team as a part-time worker, supported by our Flexible Work Policy!”



The Reconciliation network engages our staff locally to promote and implement RAP activities and build relationships with local Traditional Owners to inform our activities and commitments.

Our Reconciliation network is focused on engaging and deepening relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities through activities such as volunteering, building cultural awareness and capacity building engagements.

“As a First Nations Person, I'm committed and passionate about progress towards Reconciliation in our organisations and communities, and feel privileged to be able to do this at PwC. I’m grateful to work with allies who lead with empathy and curiosity on how they can help to build an equitable society for First Nations people.”

Firmwide policies that support Reconciliation:

Our First Nations Cultural Leave is designed to protect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ right to maintain and strengthen their connection to community and to enable time to connect with their community to maintain and develop their culture. You can find out more about the policy here. 



Shine supports our LGBTIQ+ community and allies. It strengthens our presence in the LGBTIQ+ community, increases awareness among our people, and offers information, support, and networking opportunities.

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Our Shine network, for our LGBTIQ+ community and allies, strengthens our helps to increase awareness of the LGBTIQ+ community among our people and offers information, support and networking opportunities. In addition to the support it offers, Shine delivers Shining Light on LGBTIQ+ Inclusivity training - a 1.5 hour facilitated awareness session on LGBTIQ+ inclusive language and behaviours, to help identify the challenges LGBTIQ+ people face and apply effective communication skills to foster inclusion.

“As a bisexual woman, I feel like I experience a double glass-ceiling when it comes to my identity. I knew that when I joined PwC that I wanted to find my safe space in Shine. One of the most rewarding aspects of being part of Shine is running our LGBTIQ+ inclusion training. It allows me to share my experiences and connect with colleagues on something that is very close to my heart. The conversations we have in those sessions not only raise awareness to impact today’s everyday behaviours, but help us to build a better tomorrow for the future generations to come through our workforce.”

Firmwide policies that support our LGBTIQ+ community:

The firm has a Transitioning / Gender Affirmation Support policy for any person who chooses to transition and affirm their gender while working at the firm. This includes 15 days paid leave, unrestricted unpaid leave, a clothing allowance and a support team to assist you with developing a plan.



Symmetry is focused on gender equality and aims to facilitate the development of both men and women through opportunities that connect, inspire and empower.

Symmetry is our employee led network that is focused on gender equality. It supports an equal workplace and society for all.

“I joined Symmetry as I am incredibly passionate about gender equity for all, and love participating in bringing this to life in the firm and beyond. I love the events Symmetry provides across a broad range of topics - fireside chats; sponsorship versus mentorship; International Women’s Day. These events are insightful and practical and help me to better navigate my career. I love the incredible connections I have been able to build with people outside of my team.”

Firmwide policies that support gender equality:

The firm has a number of policies that support gender equality including a domestic and family violence leave policy; parental leave policy; flexible work policy; personal/carer’s leave policy and compassionate leave policy. You can find out more about these policies here.The firm also publishes information on its gender pay gap annually as part of its Transparency Report.


Our firmwide Belonging strategy is the next evolution to create a more equitable firm for everyone. Building a culture of belonging opens up new opportunities for our people and our firm. When we feel we belong, we feel connected and have a sense of purpose. When we feel we belong, we can thrive.

Diversity & Inclusion Polices

We have introduced a number firmwide policies to support our diversity & inclusion activities. These policies are designed to provide a culture of belonging and make our workplace as inclusive as possible. Explore all the benefits that PwC has to offer here: https://jobs-au.pwc.com/au/en/benefits-at-pwc

Compassionate leave

Additional leave available if a member of your immediate family or household passes away or sustains a life-threatening illness or injury.

Balanced Lifestyle Benefit policy

New shoes? A standing desk? Board games for the family? Finding balance can be tricky. Here, you can spend up to $205 a year on things that will help support your balanced lifestyle.

Dressing for work policy

Our diversity is our greatest asset, and it comes in many forms. Our choice of dress is a part of how we express ourselves. Our most important job at PwC is to delight our clients, challenge ourselves, and learn new things. When you wake up each day, consider the day of work ahead. What will you be doing? Where will you be? Who will you be with? You might choose a suit, some jeans or something else – we trust you to choose clothes that best represent yourself and the PwC brand that day.

Domestic & family violence and sexual assault support policy

Domestic and family violence and sexual assaults are community and workplace issues across educational, economic and geographical boundaries. We support all our people who are affected by our comprehensive policy.

First Nations cultural leave policy

Additional paid and unpaid leave for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees’ to maintain and strengthen their connection to community and to enable time to connect with their community to maintain and develop their culture.

Together Anywhere policy

With lockdowns ending and borders opening, we know flexibility is now the norm. We’re hearing loud and clear that our people would like to combine work with travel to spend time with family and friends within Australia and overseas. Our new Together Anywhere program will let you work up to 4 weeks remotely in Australia or overseas.

Floating public holidays policy

You’re unique. And your public holidays should suit you. You can work on all national or state public holidays and swap them for other days that may better serve your cultural, religious or individual preferences.

Leave+ policy

Thinking of taking a break? Purchase additional annual leave through our Leave+ policy. You can purchase up to 12 weeks of Leave+ a year in addition to your annual leave entitlement!

Parental Leave policy

Becoming a parent is unforgettable. We don't want you to miss a moment of it. Our Parental Leave Policy includes 26 weeks with enhancements to support parents returning to work. Either carer can take parental leave until a child is two years of age. So more non-birth parents can take 26 weeks of parental leave flexibly and without minimum service requirements. 

Personal/carer’s leave policy

We’ve expanded the definition of our personal and carer’s leave to help with the hectic nature of life. Now you can use your personal leave when you’re feeling sick, caring for dependents, or just need a mental health day. These days are designed for you to care for yourself and the ones you love.

Reasonable Adjustments policy

We want to enable people with a disability to realise their potential through full participation in all aspects of employment. Making reasonable adjustments where possible is one way that PwC Australia works towards achieving this aim.

Transitioning/gender affirmation support policy

We believe being transgender is not a choice or decision - it is simply a reality. We will support any person who chooses to transition and affirm their gender while working at the firm.

Wellness Benefit policy

We think that investing in your mental health is both important and personal. We’ll give you $295 a year to spend on items or activities that support your wellness, whatever that might be!



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We acknowledge and pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of Australia, whose ancestral lands and waters we work and live on throughout Australia. We honour the wisdom of, and pay respect to, Elders past and present.

Contact us

Andrew Tran

Andrew Tran

Diversity & Inclusion Director, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 2 8266 7888

Daniella Dickson

Daniella Dickson

Reconciliation Director, PwC Australia

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