The public sector is experiencing unprecedented levels of change. Shifts in technology, workforce demographics, pressure on staffing budgets and expectations of how citizens and businesses interact with governmentare all shaping the workforce of the future.
More people expect digitally-enabled services, and government departments and agencies need to work in an agile way to effectively meet these expectations.
Many organisations are embracing the challenge, building partnerships with each other and industry to ensure future success. Yet limited insights into current workforce capability and future requirements often impede these efforts. PwC’s 21st CEO Survey found that 79% of Australian CEOs are concerned about the availability of key skills.
Investment in activities that affect the here and now is understandable, but a more strategic view of threats and opportunities will help bring the future into focus. To determine future workforce skill and capability requirements, we need longer planning horizons, and alignment between strategy choices and workforce implications.
Shaping the future of the public sector workforce requires us to look past the current standard to consider how workforce affordability and capability is valuable to the business.
Our report explores how a mature approach to strategic workforce planning and the development of meaningful people analytics will equip executives to make informed and effective decisions about their workforces for the long term.
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