The question is no longer if, or even when, the workforce will be transformed. It is happening now.
External forces are radically reshaping the workforce. There are new and sustained challenges to be faced as business leaders wrestle with demographic and social changes, disruptive innovations and technological breakthroughs - including the use of automation and artificial intelligence. Organisations need to redefine the way work gets done and create innovative talent ecosystems that build engaged, enabled and agile workforces.
We prepare our clients to take advantage of the rapid changes to their organisation and workforce by planning, designing and helping them to transition to their workforce of the future.
In doing so, we use evidence-based analysis in partnering with clients to create and sustain the right workforce, with the right skills and capabilities, at the right time.
How your workforce looks today, how it could look in the future and what to do to have the right people at the right time are fundamental questions that businesses need to be asking themselves to prepare for the future of work. Our value proposition supports organisations to answer these questions.
Workforce analytics brings people and business data together to get an understanding of current workforce trends and predict future states.
Strategic workforce planning is a continuous process of matching workforce requirements to current and future business objectives - it aims to have the right people in the right place at the right time, all the time to achieve successful organisational and/or sector outcomes both now and into the future.
Workforce strategies take evidence-based insights yielded through workforce planning and analysis to identify initiatives and activities aimed at mitigating a potential workforce risk, addressing a talent gap, or drive a workforce priority to secure a future-fit workforce.
"With all the talk about automation, many people are anxious about the future of work. Organisations should take the lead and own the story, by building a strong narrative that covers what the future of work means for the company and its people"
PwC can help a business design the model which is best for their circumstances and assist in the journey to implementation.
Six key enablers to enhance Workforce AnalyticsOur six step Workforce Planning Approach aligns business and talent strategy, models projected demand against talent supply, and allows for the creation of plans to lessen gaps under a continual improvement approach
PwC can help a business by conducting a Strategic Workforce Plan or by assessing and improving their workforce planning maturity.
Strategic Workforce Planning ApproachWorkforce strategy takes evidence-based insights yielded through workforce planning and analysis to identify initiatives and activities aimed at mitigating a potential workforce risk, addressing a talent gap, or drive a workforce priority.
PwC can help a business design strategies which are best for their circumstances and assist in the journey to implementation.
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