Adoption is all you need: The path to responsible and inclusive AI growth

  • Embrace AI for innovation, growth and productivity

  • Make users excited about AI not threatened: AI should happen 'with them' and 'for them', not 'to them.'

  • Drive responsible adoption through education, leadership and experimentation

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance at a rapid pace, businesses are now facing a key challenge: how to tap into AI's potential while making sure its adoption is both inclusive and responsible. The gap between AI’s potential and its current usage is growing, underscoring the urgent need for strategic AI integration across all levels of an organisation. This article outlines a comprehensive approach to embracing AI, focusing on the essentials of responsible adoption, inclusive practices and continuous improvement.

The necessity of AI adoption

AI is no longer a futuristic concept but a critical tool for business growth and efficiency. For organisations to stay competitive and thrive, embracing AI is imperative. This shift isn’t just about keeping up with technology but leveraging AI to achieve “more with the same”— enhancing productivity, innovation and growth without needing disproportionate increases in resources.

Building awareness and education

Successful AI adoption starts with awareness and education. Tailored training programs are essential to help employees understand AI’s relevance to their roles. Organisations should invest in role-specific AI education, encourage curiosity and create environments where experimentation with AI is supported.

  1. Tailored training programs: Develop and offer role-specific AI training that adapts to various learning styles and paces. Leverage AI champions within the organisation to share knowledge and support peers.

  2. Encouraging experimentation: Create AI sandboxes where employees can experiment without fear of disrupting critical systems. Adjust performance metrics to reward experimentation and learning.

  3. Recognising efforts: Implement reward systems for those who actively engage with AI and provide resources for continuous learning. This approach ensures that employees at all skill levels feel valued and supported.

Navigating technological change

Technology, by nature, is ever-evolving and AI is no exception. To remain relevant, businesses must adopt a flexible mindset and learn to navigate technological change rather than resist it.

  1. Learning to surf: Encourage employees to embrace AI as a powerful tool rather than view it as a threat. Equip them with the knowledge and tools needed to harness AI’s potential effectively.

  2. Elevating human roles: Emphasise how AI can free up time for employees to focus on high-value tasks requiring human creativity and critical thinking.

Strategic leadership and organisational transformation

Leadership plays a pivotal role in AI adoption. It’s essential for leaders to communicate the strategic importance of AI and to drive organisational transformation by integrating AI into the company’s DNA.

  1. Strategic duty of leaders: Leaders must clearly communicate the necessity of AI adoption and demonstrate how it can unlock new growth opportunities.

  2. Organisational integration: Develop a comprehensive AI strategy that aligns with business goals. Create AI-driven ecosystems that integrate human and AI roles effectively.

  3. Introduce tools and encourage sharing: Navigating individual AI adoption is tricky as employees often use their home AI experiences as a baseline. To bridge this gap, introduce AI tools like copilots to enhance productivity and organise sharing sessions for champions to discuss their AI gains and ways of working. Swiftly endorse key enterprise AI tools to avoid data privacy risks, do not let personal AI be too much ahead of corporate AI. Focus on 'BI over AI Adoption' (business intelligence) to ensure good practices, such as using AI for refining emails rather than for benchmarks. This approach maintains security, compliance and effective AI use.

Trust, transparency and accountability

Building trust in AI requires transparency and accountability. Organisations must establish clear metrics for measuring AI’s impact, regularly report performance data and acknowledge AI’s limitations honestly.

  1. Establishing baseline metrics: Define and rigorously measure AI performance against traditional baselines to demonstrate value and areas for improvement.

  2. Transparent reporting: Share AI performance data openly with stakeholders to build trust and encourage engagement.

  3. Accountability in AI development: Hold AI developers accountable for ethical practices and ensure that AI systems are developed and implemented responsibly.

Embedding AI in business operations

For AI adoption to be successful, it must be integrated into the core of business operations. This involves combining centralised and decentralised AI initiatives, promoting a culture of continuous improvement and normalising AI usage.

  1. Combining AI initiatives: Establish an AI Centre of Excellence while encouraging decentralised innovation. This balance ensures that best practices are shared while allowing for diverse perspectives and creativity.

  2. Normalising AI usage: Make AI an integral part of daily operations and celebrate success stories to demonstrate its benefits. Make the end users 'the heroes' of successful AI use cases in communications, not the AI engineers. Make users excited about AI not threatened: AI should happen 'with them' and 'for them', not 'to them.'

  3. Continuous improvement: Implement feedback loops and agile methodologies to adapt AI systems and processes continuously.

The path forward

AI is a powerful tool for innovation and growth, but its benefits can only be fully realised through responsible and inclusive adoption. By focusing on awareness, education, trust, integration and continuous improvement, organisations can turn AI’s promise into real impact. Embrace AI not just as a technological upgrade, but as a strategic imperative that can elevate every part of your business. When done right. AI becomes a driver of collective success, empowering individuals and organisations to reach their new potential.

If you would like to find out you can improve AI adoption for your organisation, please contact Murad Khan, Jahanzeb Azim or Samir Ghoudrani.

Contact the authors

Murad Khan

Partner, Advisory, PwC Australia


Jahanzeb Azim

Partner, Generative AI Advisory Leader, PwC Australia


Samir Ghoudrani

Senior Manager, Advisory, PwC Australia
