PwC’s 28th Annual Global CEO Survey – Australian insights
Some of Australia’s leading CEOs are taking bold steps to reinvent their business models. For everyone else, there exists a stark choice: self-disrupt or be disrupted.
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Some of Australia’s leading CEOs are taking bold steps to reinvent their business models. For everyone else, there exists a stark choice: self-disrupt or be disrupted.
New research from PwC reveals what leading companies are doing differently and how you can join them.
Top-performing companies are using ecosystems to drive business growth, boost operational efficiency, broaden and deepen the customer relationship, improve sustainability outcomes, and manage risk.
PwC research shows clear correlation between prioritising and investing in transformation and being in the top 20% of an industry in terms of profit margin and revenue growth.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced analytics are evolving faster than ever, creating new opportunities and surfacing new risks for the modern enterprise.
As a result of increased focus from the regulator and other stakeholders and increased risk as a result of current market conditions, the Board of Directors will be looking to management to provide a detailed assessment of their considerations of Impairment under AASB 136.
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Discover the trends in workplace change with PwC’s Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2024. Explore six actions to engage workers to drive transformation.
Amid cost pressures, innovation and digital transformation, talent management is crucial. Boards play a pivotal oversight role in achieving success.
Excitement and concern about artificial intelligence (AI) features in the workplace as much as in our wider society. Generative AI, such as ChatGPT and Bard, have captivated the minds of millions worldwide in recent months.
To win the war on talent, organisations need to revisit their employee value proposition (EVP). But first you need to know what your employees want. PwC's latest Future of Work report "What workers want: Winning the war for talent" surveyed more than 1,800 Australians to help employers understand what workers want as labour market sentiment changes.
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This years' report explores investor perspectives on sustainability integration and the key findings of our 2023 ASX200 Climate Reporting analysis.
On 12 January 2024, the Australian Treasury released the Exposure Draft Treasury Laws Amendment Bill 2024
Companies often struggle to produce data on sustainability performance. Now executives are using software to enable both reporting and value creation.
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The pressure on Australian organisations to address sustainability has never been more intense, but neither have the opportunities to generate value from it.
The finance, supply-chain and economic scale of Australia’s offshore wind opportunity and how the country can make the most out of it.
Australia urgently needs new funding and policy approaches to take advantage of our unique and valuable reserves of critical minerals.
Project experience with Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO. Read more.
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2025 Global Digital Trust Insights Bridging the gaps to cyber resilience: The C-suite playbook. In its 27th year, it is the longest-running and largest survey of it’s kind with 4,042 executive respondents across business, technology, and security executives. Despite widespread awareness of the challenges in cybersecurity, significant gaps persist. To safeguard their organisations, executives should treat cybersecurity as a standing item on the business agenda, embedding it into every strategic decision and demanding C-suite collaboration. The 2025 Global Digital Trust Insights survey revealed significant gaps companies must bridge before achieving cyber resilience.
As the cyber threat faced by critical infrastructure operators rapidly evolves and increases, and as the Government’s expectations expand, we believe critical infrastructure providers in Australia have an opportunity to lead the world in how they are putting resilience at the heart of their operations.
The highly-anticipated report of the Attorney-General’s Department’s review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) has landed. We have broken down the key themes and issues in the existing legislation, and some of the key reforms proposed by the Report.
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Meeting tomorrow’s challenges, embracing risk intelligently.
Find out how technology is changing the way leading organisations see risk, creating new value and building resilience.
How organisations are adapting to constant disruption by transforming their approach to building resilience
Stay up to date on major tax developments and their business implications with our monthly updates and alerts.
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Our latest M&A report explores how leading dealmakers are transacting to transform their business models, unlocking significant value in the process.
As businesses strive to get ahead, find out how they can go further and faster by making transactions a key part of their transformation strategy.
Strong but squeezed result reaffirms both the core strengths and structural challenges for Australia’s major banks…and the ‘Goldilocks’ environment that leaves space to address them.
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PwC’s 2025 Australian Federal Budget Tax insights dissect all the business and investment, international tax and trade, superannuation, corporate taxes, and other tax announcements.
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Companies say that reporting under the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive will bring tangible business benefits even as they grapple with tight timelines and the complexity of implementing the regulation.
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An annual trends and forecast publication for the real estate industry.
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How a tech tipping point is fueling reinvention, resilience and growth
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We have lodged our third Access and Inclusion Plan with the Australian Human Rights Commission, continuing our public commitment to creating a workplace that enables our people with disability, and those who care for someone with disability, to...
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PwC’s 2023 Australian Federal Budget Insights dissect the key measures, financial announcements, challenges and opportunities of the Budget, and what it means for our economy, society and you.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced analytics are evolving faster than ever, creating new opportunities and surfacing new risks for the modern enterprise.
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This report summarises data provided by the 115 respondents that identify with the LGBTIQ+ community.