Key takeaways
When I ask most people what they think of customer loyalty programs, most immediately mention cards in wallets, or collecting and spending points.
Unfortunately, that’s how most people in the business of retail, financial services or technology see it too:
Loyalty = cards + points.
It’s not, of course. Customer loyalty is earned by a business over time. It’s an emotion that the customer feels when they recall all the interactions they’ve had with that business: positive interactions through its products, with its people or simply being associated with the business’s brand when with friends, family or colleagues.
During the last two decades that perspective diminished as businesses became seduced by technology-based schemes that tried to treat those interactions as transactions that should earn or burn points. Those points have turned into shadow currencies in their own right with whole businesses based on their trade: Aimia (Nectar, Air Miles), Qantas Frequent Flyer (which earns around 30% of Qantas Group’s profit), and American Express Membership Rewards.
This is the world of Loyalty 1.0 and it’s not working for most businesses or the consumer. It’s time to usher in Loyalty 2.0.
What if a customer loyalty program…
Loyalty schemes were originally envisaged as a way to reward and encourage the customer for repeat business. When this turned into a transactional relationship, the true essence of their nature was lost.
Loyalty 2.0 is about re-evaluating the offering to inspire a genuine relationship with your customer.
Nearly all the technology elements for Loyalty 2.0 exist today. While some businesses are some way down that path already, most still seem to be stuck in the Loyalty 1.0 paradigm and are investing in yesterday’s capabilities.
Mobile phones, for example, can be identified and tracked anonymously through WiFi or Bluetooth pings – even if you do not know who the phone belongs to, you can identify repeat visits of the same ‘phone’ or gain insight from how the ‘phone’ walks around your retail store.
If the customer does want to identify themselves and gives permission, you can use mobile phone tracking or even facial recognition to provide insight and suggested actions to employees that are close by. These employee-customer interactions can be more powerful in generating real loyalty than offers for discounts or points.
Structured data sets such as purchases and marketing lists along with unstructured data flows from social media updates can be linked (using fuzzy logic) to identify common customers or their characteristics. This reduces the need to manually cleanse and explicitly link data sets.
Once Loyalty 2.0 takes hold, consumers can expect fewer cards in their wallets, fewer marketing emails, and more relevant and meaningful interactions that are worth remembering.
Retail businesses can look forward to building loyalty programs that actually build a loyal relationship and are economical to run.
What’s not to like?
A version of this article first appeared on Richard Blundell’s Business Technology Economics blog.
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