Key takeaways
Disruption is the new norm. Whether it’s a new market disruption like automated vehicles or the augmentation of roles such as virtual assistants, we see it every day. Organisations are experiencing unprecedented levels of change driven by technology, connectedness, globalisation, volatile economies, and shifting employee and consumer demand.
The impact of these changes will be significant on an organisation’s operations and its workforce. Businesses can either embrace the change or be changed by these external drivers. Organisations that fail to adjust their workforces to match their strategy choices risk missing out on the skills and capabilities they need to succeed in a highly competitive market.
Rapidly emerging technologies are generating a huge paradigm shift that will affect most, if not all, industries. We believe there are three key digital labour models that will transform the future labour market:
Many jobs will be reconfigured and redesigned, causing job dislocations and requiring employees to learn new skills. The degree of transformation will be shaped by the extent to which automation can replicate task characteristics such as making cognitive judgments. This will likely lead to a ‘hollowing out’ of middle-income jobs that will be replaced by cognitive platforms. Jobs affected will include medical, legal and finance professionals. However, where there is displacement there is also opportunity. Automation will replace routine tasks that will provide greater capacity for humans to undertake higher value work, as well as reduce user error with greater algorithmic accuracy.
Similarly, our research shows global GDP could increase by 14% to 2030 as a result of AI – the equivalent of an additional $15.7 trillion – making it the biggest commercial opportunity in today’s fast changing economy. The greatest gains will be in retail, financial services and healthcare as AI increases productivity, product quality and consumption.
The employment landscape of the future will present a major shift in the kinds of skills and industries that are present today, which will impact the talent required to perform jobs. In our most recent CEO survey, 79% of Australian CEO’s have concerns around the availability of key skills. The rising concern regarding the availability of key skills comes as many organisations prepare for automation and look to improve the experiences of their customers via new technologies.
By 2020, the World Economic Forum forecasts that over one-third of skills that are considered important in today’s workforce will have changed. Increased value will be placed on cognitive flexibility and problem solving. Technological advancement and automation will require new skills in managing digital labour and a hybrid workforce.
Collaboration is vital to this effort. Governments, businesses and communities need to work together in pioneering new approaches to education and training, and in matching talent with opportunity in the fields that will matter in a technology-enabled job market.
The future workforce will be more virtual and geographically and demographically diverse. Managing will therefore be about outcomes and deliverables rather than on observation and presence. Leaders of the future will subsequently play a key role in identifying and optimising business outcomes through a hybrid of repurposing talent and technology, while supporting the diverse needs from the five generations that will coexist in the workforce.
Further, leadership will likely shift away from the standard formal management relationships to more situational (project-based) leadership as needed. This will need to consider an increase in part-time and contract workers.
Leaders will also play a critical role in supporting and navigating employees through the ambiguity and transformation towards the new world of work. Organisations will be looking towards their leaders to:
Organisations will need to be cognisant of the trends changing the function and nature of work, and adapt their people practices accordingly. Some of the critical shifts in workforce management that will be required to support the workforce of the future include:
The ideal workforce will vary from one organisation to another but achieving the right mix of humans and machines will mean the difference between success and failure.
We are seeing more and more jobs reconfigured and redesigned, shaped by the extent that automation can replace task characteristics. We will increasingly see the emergence of new jobs, with various experts agreeing that more than half of the jobs that will exist in 2030 do not exist today.3
In embracing the technological revolution, it will be critical that organisations engage in workforce planning. This will see a greater focus on scenario planning to ensure flexibility in forecasting workforce demand and associated skills needs in an environment of ambiguity and uncertainty.
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