According to PwC’s 2017 Digital IQ Survey, while 15% of executives are currently putting a substantial investment into robotics, double that amount expect to be investing in the area in three years’ time.
The gap between businesses investing now and those expecting to invest in 2020 in the ‘essential eight’ emerging technologies is largest when it comes to robotics. This suggests that while executives don’t think robots are quite ready to rule the workplace today, they will be soon.
In reality, robots are already in our working midst and are far more useful than they once were. Compared to robots of the past, these machines are agile and sophisticated. As this infographic from PwC’s Next in Tech outlines, robots are now able to move around in less defined spaces, are safe when doing so because of sensors and smart technology, and can even work in direct customer contact.
While implementing robots and robotic automation in your workplace does come with risks that need to be managed , their downsides (installation cost, upkeep, compliance and the potential to oust staff) are balanced, if not outweighed, by their positive attributes.
To address the most contentious part of the robot revolution, as it comes up time and time again, they needn’t put staff out of a job. In fact, they may just provide the space needed away from routine tasks for employees to flourish and add greater value to your organisation. Moreover, robots can also work in tandem with staff as the rather adorably coined moniker – ‘cobots’.
Who wouldn’t want one of those?
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