The pandemic’s dual role as accelerator of transformation and amplifier of disruptive forces is the thread that runs through the 24th Annual Global CEO Survey. Most of the CEOs responding to the survey are bullish about a global economic comeback. It will be enabled by a continuation of companies’ pandemic-induced digital acceleration, which promises productivity and other business benefits, but also increases the threat of cyberattack and the spread of misinformation.
Although CEOs’ confidence in their own company’s revenue prospects has rebounded, they are anxious, too: about the trajectory of the pandemic, tax and regulatory policy uncertainty, and, to a slightly lesser extent, climate change.
Company leaders are capable of the kind of change required to address issues such as these, but they’ll need to think differently and to constantly evaluate their decisions and actions against broader societal impacts. It’s a daunting challenge, and it is in the spirit of this recognition that we present a snapshot of Australian leaders’ sentiments in the below infographic, and as a road map of the priorities ahead and how we can collectively address them.
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