Customer experience (CX) is about to be radically reimagined, says PwC report Changing the game: The new rules of Customer Experience in the ‘Intelligent Experience Economy’, released earlier this month. Gone are the days when organisations could simply implement a customer relationship management (CRM) tool or measure (but not action) customer feedback. Now, artificial intelligence, mobile and the cloud are combining to transform the customer experience.
This infographic below (click to enlarge) outlines the five major tenets of the report, which organisations need to adhere to in order to thrive in this new era.
This next era of CX will be challenging, but following these rules will enable your organisation to be faster, quicker and smarter. Your customers will thank you.
In August 2017, PwC released Changing the game: The new rules of Customer Experience in the Intelligent Experience Economy, which contains insights on executing customer strategy. Click here download your copy.
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