Infographic: What’s on the mind of CEOs in 2017?

Each year, we speak to hundreds of business leaders in Australia and around the world to uncover what’s driving their priorities or putting their organisation under pressure.

The Australian results for PwC’s 20th anniversary edition of the CEO Survey show that business leaders are optimistic about growth, yet at the same time preoccupied by the rise of robotics and how the future workforce might shape up.

Investments in robotics alone will not deliver the benefits required to justify implementation. CEOs are conscious of the impact on existing processes, flow of information, and the skills required for the future workforce.

Automation will help to drive improved customer experiences but organisations need to be careful that they build meaningful relationships with the customer that continue to deliver on the brand promise. Otherwise, they run the risk of losing the loyalty that was built up over time through one-on-one interactions.

Findings from the CEO Survey show that:

  • Trust in business is at an all-time low.
  • In light of increased automation, Australian business leaders are rethinking how they employ, manage and interact with people.
  • To drive new growth, organisations are focusing on customer experience
  • The rise of robotics and the internet of things are contributing to the reason that CEOs are more concerned than ever about cyber threats.
PwC infographic: CEO survey 2017, Australian results

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