It’s been over a year since we embarked on the journey to re-imagine our digital consulting services. In 2015, PwC’s Experience Centre concept was unveiled, an internationally connected series of sandbox environments and diverse teams dedicated to assisting clients on their path to digital transformation.
Along the way, we ushered in our own internal shift by migrating our collaboration tools to the cloud. With PwC Australia set to open new flagship offices and co-working spaces in Sydney and Melbourne over the coming months, our digital transformation will soon be augmented by physical transformations, too.
In a time of such seismic change, both for clients and ourselves, the fact remains: business transformation is often complex and usually incredibly difficult. Technology continues to evolve at breakneck speed, pressuring businesses to keep up or risk being left behind. Transformation roadmaps, however, can often put the cart before the horse, changing technology stacks but not mindsets, or foisting new ways of working on old organisational structures.
It’s in this context we’ve developed BXT, an approach that leverages the power of diverse perspectives to assist clients along the road to a truly innovative and disruptive modus operandi.
BXT stands for Business, Experience and Technology. It represents the three ingredients necessary for solving the business challenges of today. Digital is a whole-of-business concern and so it’s essential that all perspectives are brought to bear if you want to enact a successful, genuine transformation. These include:
PwC’s new BXT method takes a balanced approach towards digital transformation, viewing the process through three lenses of business, technology and customer experience.
Most business leaders have long recognised the importance of a new digitisation strategy. Many may have pursued one or more of the individual components in the BXT method.
The problem is that the prevailing wisdom of a transformation process frames the challenge as one to be undertaken piecemeal, adopting a limited number of these new capabilities one-by-one, or focusing solely on one perspective.
An example is technology offerings. In 2014, PwC’s annual CEO survey found 86% of US chief executives viewed advancing technology as a pressing priority for their business¹. In the 2015 survey, more than three quarters of CEOs saw digital technology as creating new value for internal and external collaboration².
At first glance, these figures would suggest best-practice digital transformations should take a technology-first approach. That strategy, however, will do little for other aspects of the business, which are equally in need of renovation: entrenched company processes and mindsets that will have built up around the existing technology stack.
Just as focusing primarily on the technology pillar isn’t feasible, leaders should also resist the temptation to play favourites with the other core elements. Complex problems demand to be tackled through more than just one perspective.
Instead of viewing each component as separate processes operating in isolation, business leaders should begin to view digital transformation as a cohesive and ongoing whole.
A true digital transformation isn’t just new technology solutions, non-traditional organisational structures, or incorporating trendy new ways of working. It’s much broader than that. It approaches problems from all angles, unearthing new value by viewing scenarios with fresh perspectives.
By breaking down the silos between business, experience and technology using the BXT method, companies in any sector can be brought into true innovation and industry disruption mindsets. It’s not easy and it won’t happen overnight, but it’s necessary to cultivate the necessary environment and culture of innovation and disruption.
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