Key takeaways
Regardless of their sophistication, cybersecurity capabilities are ultimately made, or broken, by an organisation’s people. In order to truly protect your business, it’s necessary to understand what drives people’s decision making, and create and foster a culture that places risk-management at the forefront of its efforts.
In a time where our insatiable thirst for information now extends far into the digital world, huge amounts of information are causing distraction. Consequently, people are more likely to click on links that they would normally avoid, creating significant opportunities for phishing scams.1
The rise of remote working is also blurring the lines between work, home life and caring responsibilities. This has a notable, and understandable, impact on our levels of concentration and ability to make optimal decisions. Remote working has also changed the way we approach personal security: many people leave their computers unlocked at home, as well as using more non-enterprise devices and software for work, unwittingly creating vulnerabilities.
Given much of the workforce is largely at home or working virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic, and may continue to be for some time, businesses will need to rethink the traditional approaches to cyber awareness campaigns. They may no longer be appropriate or effective. PwC’s Workforce Pulse Survey found that nearly 70 percent of CISOs and CIOs have increased security training as a result of COVID-19. But in contrast, only 23 percent said their firm provided a compelling case for why employees needed to have good data security habits.
Remote working is set to become the norm for many industries, with companies such as Twitter and Atlassian telling employees that they can work from home permanently if they choose.2 For many other businesses, a hybrid model, where a combination of work from home and offices/sites, will likely become a permanent set up.3 This will have implications for all aspects of the business, including cybersecurity.
To prepare, organisations should:
While setting expectations and communicating them to an increasingly diverse workforce is a crucial first step, it will only go so far in addressing the behaviours that lead to a breach. Typically, companies design cybersecurity strategies based on the assumption that people make informed decisions. However, behavioural economics has shown us that decision making is far more complex.
When a cyber incident occurs, often an old system or human error is blamed. However, incidents can be caused by a number of factors, including poorly designed security processes, difficulty in seeking answers in relation to cybersecurity, staff making genuine mistakes due to being tired or overloaded; or users being unsure or unaware of the security behaviours they need to demonstrate and why.4
In reality, a deeper understanding of the pattern of behaviours, structures, organisational factors and mental models is needed.5 This knowledge will allow the business to identify the critical behaviours to focus on to increase the effectiveness of cyber awareness and influence strategies.
There are three key areas organisations can focus on to foster these behaviours:
There is no silver bullet to address human behaviour. It is important to understand the context and environment in which decisions are made before expecting behavioural change. Individuals do not need to become security experts to avoid most of the incidents that occur, however businesses as a whole must ensure they are able to identify what motivates people to make certain decisions. They can then design solutions that align with how employees actually behave, rather than expecting them to comply with even the most robust cybersecurity strategy. They’re only human after all.
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