Building trust and capacity

Unlocking our extensive network to connect and engage others and build social leadership across sectors.

Responsible business

Responsible business starts with managing our business with ethics and integrity – being guided by our purpose and values. It also means recognising that our responsibilities, and opportunity to influence for positive change, extend into our value chain – through the services we provide and the suppliers we choose.

Our purpose and values

Our global purpose statement is to build trust and solve important problems. Beneath this, our vision and values help us to define our direction, decisions and behaviours every day.

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Ethics and business conduct

Our reputation relies on upholding the highest professional and ethical standards in serving our clients and in all of our business dealings. Our Code of Conduct guides us in the conduct of our business and aids in ensuring our culture of ethics and integrity is sustained.

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Stakeholder engagement

Engaging with our stakeholders

Trust has never been more important. It's the link that connects our organisation with our stakeholders and the world. We know that trust isn't something you can buy off the shelf. It's something you earn through every interaction, every experience and every relationship.

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Promoting Reconciliation for Indigenous Australians

We are committed to reducing the inequality experienced by Indigenous Australians through our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Our RAP focuses our efforts on developing valued relationships and cultural awareness, building understanding through sharing skills and developing employment initiatives.

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Human rights and modern slavery

We believe it’s our responsibility to respect and uphold the human rights of our people and any other individuals we are in contact with, either directly or indirectly. Our unwavering commitment to human rights is demonstrated through our actions, our involvement in voluntary initiatives like the UN Global Compact and our Global Human Rights Statement.

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Environment & sustainability

PwC Australia has a long-held commitment to managing our impact on the environment.

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PwC's commitment

PwC is committed to supporting and enabling the charities and not-for-profit sector through these offerings:


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Creating value for your organisation

Explore other areas of our corporate sustainability strategy:

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