
We have a long-held commitment to managing our impact on the environment. That is why we’ve made a worldwide commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions with near-term science-based targets set for 2030.

Climate change is one of the most critical problems facing our planet today. Without convincing global climate action, scientists predict that average temperatures will increase by more than 1.5°C. Beyond this threshold potentially irreversible environmental changes will occur.

We have a worldwide commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with 2030 goals. We are also committed to supporting our clients to reduce their emissions as well as reducing those from our operations and suppliers.

In particular, we will drive energy efficiencies and switch to renewable electricity in our offices and reduce the impact of our business travel. From 2030, we will also invest in innovative carbon removal projects to neutralise our remaining carbon footprint. We have an integral role in driving the transition to a low-carbon economy. We will continue to contribute to public policy developments in support of the environment.

pwc sustainability

Our commitment to the environment

We have joined other leading global businesses and committed to the United Nations’ Race To Zero campaign, Business Ambition for 1.5°C and Carbon Call. These initiatives aim to build momentum as we decarbonise the economy. As part of our commitment to the environment, we will continue our long-standing programme of research and collaboration with businesses, policymakers, NGOs and our communities.

We have a worldwide commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

We are committed to the decarbonisation of our operations in line with a 1.5 degree climate scenario.

We have set near-term science-based targets to achieve, by 2030:

  • A 50% absolute reduction in scope 1 & 2 emissions from 2019 levels 
  • A 50% absolute reduction in scope 3 business travel emissions from 2019 levels

In July 2021, these emissions reduction targets were independently validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). We will also continue to drive efficiencies and work towards reducing our broader environmental impacts in other areas of our operations.

Download our Environmental Impact Policy to learn more about how we are minimising the environmental impacts of our operations.

100% renewable electricity

In 2022, we achieved our goal to transition to 100% renewable electricity in all of our Australian offices, in line with our global membership of RE100.

PwC has been a member of RE100 since 2018. RE100 is a global movement of businesses committed to transition to 100% renewable electricity.

Carbon Offsets

We recognize the importance of actively reducing the climate impact of our own operational footprint. That is why, we continue to focus on direct action to decarbonize our operations. We are committed to offsetting our scope 1, 2, and 3 (business travel) emissions through the purchase of high-quality carbon credits, including 50% from nature-based projects.

As part of our commitment to net zero with 2030 goals, we continue to develop long-term and viable relationships with sustainable and ethical suppliers. Our procurement practices enable us to be fair, responsible and sensitive to the needs of our stakeholders while encouraging suppliers to reduce their own climate impact. 

As a global network, we commit that 50% of our purchased goods and services suppliers (by emissions) will have set their own science-based targets to reduce emissions by 2025. 

To further maintain our commitment to sustainability, we created our Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) Policy. It outlines the minimum standards our suppliers must maintain when supplying us with goods and/or services, and how we monitor compliance with those standards.

Together with our clients, we have a huge opportunity to accelerate the transition to make a net zero future a reality for all.

We support our clients as they develop and implement environmental management and decarbonisation plans. This includes helping them deliver:

  • Energy transition
  • Corporate, environmental and sustainability strategy
  • Governance and accountability
  • Operating models
  • Innovation
  • Research and development (R&D)
  • Tax strategy and reporting
  • Enterprise and supply chain transformation
  • Green initiatives
  • Deals

In addition, we create transparent reporting on our clients' sustainability progress and targets. Sustainability initiatives provide both qualitative and quantitative measurements of a business’ impact on society, the environment and its stakeholders. We also help our clients integrate sustainability factors into mainstream corporate disclosures, and other areas such as:

  • People and talent
  • Partnerships and alliances
  • Corporate affairs and regulatory engagement
  • Strategic energy consulting and infrastructure transformation

Learn more about how we are ensuring our clients grow to become organisations of the future.

The PwC Green Team

The Green Team is a network of 400+ partners and staff who are committed to making our firm a cleaner, greener place to work. The Green Team raises awareness of environmental issues and advocates for behaviour change across the firm.

Green Team members have a number of opportunities to be involved in specific projects that are helping our firm to realise our commitment to achieve net zero. All of our people are welcome to join the Green Team.

Transparent reporting against sustainability metrics

In January 2021, we became one of the first organisations to publicly endorse the World Economic Forum's (WEF) Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics. We actively encourage our clients, suppliers and other stakeholders to adopt the metrics for their own reporting. 

As part of our commitment to promoting transparent and comparable reporting, we continue to publish disclosures based on the Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics. Our PwC Australia Transparency Report measures the impact of our operations across the four pillars of Principles of Governance, People, Planet and Prosperity.

Contact us

Janette O'Neill

Janette O'Neill

Partner, Chief Sustainability Officer, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 428 691 683

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