Although the day-to-day demands of steering an organisation through unprecedented adversity feel challenging, this moment offers up a potent opportunity – to work out what exactly you stand for and the legacy you want to create as a result of your leadership today. If you fast forward a year, what do you want your operations managers to say about the impact your leadership style had on them? When your employees think back to the early weeks of life in isolation, what will they remember of how their boss made them feel?
This is a good time to become clearer about your own values, to put empathy and care front and centre and think about the kind of leader you want to be. To visibly ‘live’ and ‘activate’ your organisation’s purpose and values - translate the rhetoric to something concrete and of meaning. Ultimately, how you lead now will serve as a blueprint for your leadership in the future – and inform the way your business chooses to rally around its people from now on. Rebecca Houghton, BoldHR, put it perfectly when she said - this is a chance for leaders to be:
“Honest enough to say what you know and don’t know
Humble enough to ask your team’s advice
Wise enough to listen.”
As far back as the industrial revolution, generations of leaders who energetically built hierarchies, committed to the school of leadership that said leaders are formal, remain detached from their people and have control over all their teams.
We are in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution and it’s time to challenge these constructs. The weeks and months ahead will open up the opportunity to be honest with yourself - what strengths do you bring to the situation, what are your limitations and what can you do about those? How do others see you?
The key to authenticity is self-awareness. Intention needs to match the desired impact and when there is misalignment, particularly in these uncertain times, unintended consequences lead to erosion of trust in the leader.
With the continual influx of new information, the goalposts are shifting daily. Rather than under-reacting or knee-jerk responses, the leader who commits to authenticity will be thoughtful in how to create transparency, show their emotions in an open and honest way, all the while reflecting the values and purpose of the organisation.
During troubled times, it’s tempting to pretend we have all the answers. Now is the time to be as honest and humble as possible. Don’t be afraid to say that you don’t know. Ultimately, authenticity is about living your hopes – and making peace with doubt and ambiguity. When you show up as your whole self, the connections that you’ve built in your business become deeper. They ‘safeguard’ you from the need to be perfect, allow you to be vulnerable and recognised for doing your best (rather than being pulled up on your mistakes).
Trust is vital when it’s business as usual. But when so many of our ordinary routines are being rewritten, the concept of trust has taken on many different meanings. Some aspects of trust remain though - trust is earned not given, can be easily lost and hard to win back. That means showing that you are worthy of the trust of your people and customers has taken on a significance unlike any period we’ve lived through before. It also means you need to work out how to practically show your people that you trust them.
To be trustworthy, it’s useful to understand the actions you take every day that earn, or possibly threaten, that trust. This can look like many things in practice. It’s about reassuring your employees that you have a clear plan in place, and are taking the time to truly understand the dilemmas that your customers are facing. Or it could mean being honest about the decisions you can and can’t make and also committing to do what you say.
When it comes to cultivating resilience and paving the way for a brighter future, trust – in yourself and other people – is an essential ingredient. It’s one that can bridge the gap between today’s business worries and the opportunities you could be reaping tomorrow.
The pace at which the world is moving means what you thought last week has now evolved into the next version of the ‘new normal’. Then it was all about response, now it’s about looking to the future - how do we rebuild? Whatever phase you and your business are in, you can write your own story about who you want to be as a leader. Do this by using the challenges ahead to become the leader you want to be, adopt the attributes of those you’ve admired and, most importantly, realise your own potential by taking a stand for what you truly believe. Leading in uncertainty isn’t about relying on a tired playbook. It’s about reframing problems as opportunities and using the strengths you have to define the future you want for you, your team, your customers and your organisation.
Amy Plowman
Partner, Consulting Strategic Workforce Lead, PwC Australia
Tel: +61 408 330 943