Addressing the gender pay gap

The ‘gender pay gap’ is the difference between the average earnings of women and men across organisations, industries and the workforce as a whole.

Addressing the gender pay gap is not just about the comparison of like roles or seeking ‘equal pay for equal work’. Instead, it is about looking at the overall picture of how social and economic factors combine to reduce women’s earning capacity over their lifetime.

In Australia, employers are being asked to demonstrate how they are taking action to address any gender pay gaps in their organisation.

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What does this mean?

  • Employers with over 100 employees will have their overall gender pay gaps published by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA).
  • Employers are given the opportunity to attach an employer statement explaining the gap and the actions they are taking to address it.
  • Employers are required to provide the WGEA executive summary report and industry benchmark report to their Board.
  • Employers are required to provide additional information to WGEA on employees (age, primary workplace location and CEO, Heads of Business and Casual Manager remuneration) and answer new mandatory questions on sexual harassment (From April 2024).

Employers with over 500 employees are expected to have policies or strategies that address each of the six Gender Equality Indicators (GEI) as outlined by WGEA (From April 2024). These include:

How we can help

We specialise in helping organisations build equitable and inclusive workplaces. We have a deep understanding of the factors that contribute to exacerbating the gaps between men and women's earnings, and have demonstrated experience working with organisations to develop and implement strategies to address these causal factors. We bring an independent, experienced perspective to identify strengths and gaps, and design interventions tailored to your organisation’s unique context. 

Depending on where you are at in your journey, we can help in a number of ways:

1. Risk assessment 

1. Risk assessment 

Understand your workforce demographics and gender pay gap across role levels, role types, tenure etc. and the organisation overall through an interactive dashboard.

2. Prevention and Response Plan development

2. Prevention and Response Plan development

Craft an impactful employer statement to accompany your public gender pay gap that explains your journey and progress and how you are continuing to drive gender equality in your organisation. Tailor your communications strategy towards your key audiences including your employees, Board and external stakeholders.

3. Senior leader and manager capability building

3. Senior leader and manager capability building

Understand the current state of your organisation according to the six WGEA gender equality indicators. Identify gaps and opportunities for improvement to make meaningful change to create a more inclusive and equal workplace.

4. Independent workforce consultation

4. Independent workforce consultation

Review, consolidate and develop new policies, strategies and action plans to meet each of the six gender equality indicators as required by WGEA and demonstrate your commitment and action towards gender equality in your workplace.

5. Gender pay gap and workplace gender equality

5. Gender pay gap and workplace gender equality

Implement a bespoke action plan with tailored interventions that address the root causes of the gender pay gap at your organisation.

We can help with ongoing monitoring, capability uplift, process improvements, reward strategies and more.


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Contact us

Elizabeth Shaw

Elizabeth Shaw

Partner, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Consulting, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 402 853 852

Rohan Geddes

Rohan Geddes

Partner, Workforce, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 413 029 966

Tara Sarathy

Tara Sarathy

Director, Workforce Culture & Change, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 418 642 597

Andrew Mahony

Andrew Mahony

Director, Payroll Advisory, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 403 182 700
