Tax Services

As Australia's leading tax practice, our team provides integrated tax solutions in even the most complex environments.

Tax laws in Australia and internationally are becoming increasingly complex. Around the world, organisations face many challenges in establishing the most effective tax models. They must also:

  • understand and meet compliance obligations
  • adjust to regulatory changes and emerging trends
  • identify and reduce tax risks.

How we can work with you

We are Australia’s largest multidisciplinary partnership, combining financial and tax skills with those of economists, lawyers and other in-house professionals. Our Australian Tax team can solve your organisation’s complex tax problems from the ideas stage through to execution.

Independent review of Tax Governance and Internal Control Framework

PwC Australia commissioned an independent review of the Tax Governance and Internal Control Framework within our Tax business. The review was conducted by Mr Bruce Quigley, former ATO Second Commissioner and Member of the Panel of Expert Advisors at International Monetary Fund, and we thank him for his work. The review followed a similar review conducted by Mr Quigley, finalised in March 2021.

The review considered that the Tax business has the appropriate control framework to address the key elements of operational risk management and there is a robust quality management system in place. Further, PwC Australia has developed an effective control framework which is consistent with the principles and standards contained in the Tax advisory firm governance - best practice principles. PwC Australia has accepted all recommendations in the review, and will continue to take all steps necessary to ensure our Tax practice maintains its robust governance and internal control framework.

Quigley Review July 2024

PwC: Design Effectiveness Review of Tax Governance and Internal Control Framework

Read More (PDF of 10.88mb)

Quigley Review March 2021

PwC: Design Effectiveness Review of Tax Governance and Internal Control Framework

Read More (PDF of 2.52mb)
Tax advisory firm governance - best practice principles 

PwC Australia is pleased to publish the Tax advisory firm governance - best practice principles

These Principles have been developed by PwC Australia, EY Australia, KPMG Australia and Deloitte Australia with input from the Australian Taxation Office and Tax Practitioners Board.

The firms make an important contribution to the operation of the Australian taxation system and work in an existing environment of robust laws, regulations and professional standards. These Principles are being shared to enhance public understanding of our role, further build confidence and trust in the system and to comply with current and future requirements relating to government procurement. PwC has adopted the Principles, which are aligned with and complement PwC’s existing policies, procedures and internal controls. In this regard, PwC will also publish an annual statement as set out in the Principles (refer below).

The Principles complement PwC’s longstanding Global Tax Code of Conduct (updated as of  September 2023) and reflect the expectations the community should have of reputable tax advisers. The Principles are voluntary and other firms may choose to adopt them.

Annual Compliance Statement - 2024

PwC confirms it has confidence that the policies, procedures and internal controls which facilitate compliance with the Principles operated effectively for the financial year ended 30 June 2024.

PwC Compliance Report to the Tax Practitioners Board

PwC Australia is pleased to publish its final Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) Compliance Report for the six months to 31 December 2024. The contents of this report sets out the steps the firm has taken in the relevant period in response to the order by the TPB.

In compliance with the order, PwC was required to provide the TPB with a compliance statement on a 6-monthly basis during the 2023 and 2024 calendar years. The statement must confirm that PwC has complied with its requirements under the TPB order, in addition to other requirements relating to training. 

It is not a requirement under the order that PwC's statements are made public but we are committed to publishing these reports as we continue to enhance the firm's transparency and culture.

Keeping Clients Informed

Under section 45 of the Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024, PwC is required to notify current and prospective clients of various matters including the existence of a register of tax agents, how a complaint against a tax agent can be made, information about our responsibilities as a tax agent, certain events which have occurred in the last 5 years and whether our registration as a tax agent is subject to conditions. This information, as it relates to PwC Australia, can be found here.


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Contact us

Chris Morris

Tax & Legal Leader, Sydney, PwC Australia

+61 2 8266 3040

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Bianca Wood

Partner, Tax Markets Leader, Sydney, PwC Australia

+61 (2) 8266 2792

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Clementine Thompson

Partner, VIC Tax Leader, Melbourne, PwC Australia

+61 413 089 431

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Glenn O'Connell

Partner, Infrastructure and Deals Tax Lead Partner, Brisbane, PwC Australia

+61 409 000 370

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Hayden Scott

Partner, Tax Controversy & Dispute Resolution Leader, Brisbane, PwC Australia

+61 488 221 199

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James O'Reilly

Partner, QLD Tax Leader, Brisbane, PwC Australia

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Jason Karametos

Partner, Corporate Tax Leader, Melbourne, PwC Australia

+61 3 8603 6233

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Luke Bugden

Partner, NSW Tax Leader, Sydney, PwC Australia

+61 412 695 670

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Manuel Makas

Partner, Financial Services Tax Lead Partner, Sydney, PwC Australia

+61 421 050 630

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Michael Bona

Partner, International Tax & Trade Leader, Brisbane, PwC Australia

+61 405 136 010

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Michael Dean

Partner, Private Tax Leader, Sydney, PwC Australia

+61 4 0204 1451

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Norah Seddon

Partner, Workforce Leader, Sydney, PwC Australia

+61 2 8266 5864

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Sally Woodward

Partner, Head of Legal, Sydney, PwC Australia

+61 410 576 501

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Tamika Cullen

Partner, WA Tax Leader, Perth, PwC Australia

+61 2 8266 0397

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Warren Dick

Partner, Tax Reporting & Innovation Leader, Sydney, PwC Australia

+61 419 479 279

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