Matters to be considered in administrative guidance
The ATO will be responsible for issuing guidance on several practical matters relating to the implementation of the new regime. The ATO has indicated that it expects to issue guidance by March 2025. Matters on which guidance is likely to be needed include:
- Lodgment mechanics: For example, confirming the technical specifications of the file (the specific XML schema and validation rules), the portal through which files will be able to be submitted, whether any registration is required by the global parent entity, whether files will need to be submitted by an agent and who is required to approve a file prior to lodgment.
- Exemptions: The ATO website indicates that public guidance on the process for seeking exemptions is expected to be available by March 2025. The law is not prescriptive on the circumstances in which exemptions will be considered, but the explanatory memorandum notes that it may include considering whether disclosure of the data would impact national security, breach Australian or foreign laws, or result in substantial ramifications for an entity by revealing commercially sensitive information.
- Definitions and interpretations: Technical guidance may be needed on specific definitions that require clarification for the public CBC report.
(Addendum 20 January 2025) The 'specified’ countries for which the required information will need to be reported separately on a CBC basis has now been made and registered (17 December 2024). It covers 40 countries including Singapore, Switzerland and Hong Kong, and is broader than that adopted under the EU public CBC reporting regime.