31 October 2022
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has released an updated guide on market valuations for tax purposes. Market valuations are relevant for a wide range of tax matters, including capital gains tax (CGT), employee share schemes, goods and services tax (GST), and tax consolidations, to name just a few. The ATO’s updated guide is intended to help taxpayers reduce the tax risks associated with valuations, as failing to engage an appropriately qualified valuer can lead to incorrect reporting of tax outcomes, and the potential for administrative penalties and interest.
In this Tax Alert, we summarise the ATO’s latest guidance on market valuations for tax purposes.
In the updated guide, the ATO has outlined its views on the meaning of market value, who can determine market value, and the processes and evidence the ATO expects to see to support a valuation.
As highlighted on the ATO’s website, taxpayers may need a market valuation for tax purposes in a range of circumstances, including:
The concept of “market value'' is not defined for all purposes in the tax law, although there are some provisions which provide for a specific meaning of market value. Where market value is not defined or otherwise qualified in a particular provision, it takes its ordinary meaning. The ATO guidance highlights the principles established in case law, and those set out by the International Valuation Standard Council (IVSC), are relevant in determining the ordinary meaning of market value.
The key judicial determination for determining the ordinary meaning of market value is the High Court decision in Spencer v Commonwealth of Australia [1907] HCA 82. In this case, the High Court held that in valuing an asset, a valuer is to assume a market with hypothetical buyers and sellers such that the "market value" is the price negotiated between the buyer and seller to achieve a notional sale in the hypothetical market. The notional sale is assumed to be made after voluntary bargaining between a willing but not anxious seller and purchaser, rather than a forced sale, and with both parties being fully informed about the advantages and disadvantages of the asset being valued and aware of the current market conditions.
The IVSC defines market value as “[t]he estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm's length transaction, after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion”. The ATO considers the definition provided by the IVSC is consistent with the judicial definition.
The market value of an asset will generally reflect its “highest and best use”. This is the use that maximises its potential and that is possible, legally permissible and financially feasible. Market value does not reflect attributes of an asset that are of value to a specific owner or purchaser that are not available to other buyers in the market.
For tax purposes, the acceptability of a valuation usually depends on the process undertaken to obtain the valuation, rather than who conducted it, although there are some exceptions where the law requires a professional valuer to provide valuation (for example, for the GST margin scheme).
A reasonable estimate of market value requires skill, knowledge and experience, and as such, a valuation carried out by a suitably qualified professional following commonly accepted industry standards and codes of conduct is generally considered more reliable by the ATO.
The ATO has outlined the following eight fundamental principles for valuations for tax purposes:
The ATO guide notes that there are three internationally-defined valuation approaches:
The valuation approach utilised in any given scenario must be reasonable based on the asset and information available, supported by evidence, is suitable for tax purposes, replicable and well documented. Greater credibility is placed on valuations undertaken by valuers following professional standards.
When obtaining a valuation report, it is a taxpayer’s responsibility to ensure the valuer is suitably knowledgeable and experienced, receives appropriate instructions, remains reasonable and objective, is not presented with obstacles or limitations that may inhibit their work, and provides a reasonable market value that is supported by credible evidence using an appropriately recognised valuation method (as listed above). The onus for providing a replicable and defensible valuation remains with the taxpayer even if a professional is engaged to provide a valuation.
The ATO’s guide outlines the minimum information it expects to be contained in a valuation report, including, amongst other things:
The ATO has noted the following issues that commonly arise when it conducts reviews of market value estimates:
Taxpayers are able to request the ATO to provide a private ruling on an asset's market value where it is relevant to a question about the tax law. Where a private ruling is requested relating to market valuation, the ATO may engage a professional valuer to conduct a valuation of the asset or to review a valuation provided by the taxpayer, in which case, the fee for the valuer is passed onto the taxpayer. For further information, refer to Private rulings and valuations.
The ATO’s updated guide also outlines the process for ATO reviews of valuations, noting that the likelihood of a review is greater where the asset’s value is high or the methodology used is contentious. It sets out the supporting documents a taxpayer may be asked to provide during a valuation review.
In addition, the guide contains signposts to other ATO guidance on market valuations that is currently available, including, for example, the tax consolidation valuation shortcuts, which are available to determine the market value of certain assets for consolidation purposes.
There are a range of circumstances where the market value of an asset is required for tax purposes. The ATO recommends that valuations be conducted by suitably qualified valuers using one of the ATO’s accepted valuation methods to ensure that the tax position adopted for the relevant tax years provide sufficient penalty protection and are reasonably arguable. This is particularly important for high value assets, or where an asset’s valuation is likely to be contentious.