On June 3 2021, the MOF issued a tax ruling which extended the effective period of the existing tax ruling, whereby taxpayers impacted by COVID-19 are allowed to obtain prior approval to defer tax payments between January 15, 2020 to June 30, 2022 for up to 1 year, or pay taxes due in installments for up to 3 years (with 36 monthly installments), regardless of amount of taxes due.
On June 25 2021, the MOF issued a tax ruling which extended the effective period of the "Guideline for Assessing VAT Refund Application for Excess VAT Paid by Business Entities Impacted by COVID-19" to June 30, 2022, whereby entities with excess VAT paid which experienced significant decrease in revenues within a short period of time as a result of COVID-19 can apply for a VAT refund with the tax authority (total amount of VAT refund shall not exceed TWD 300,000).
For more information please contact Kelsey Liu, Senior Manager, Tax Services, PwC Taiwan
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