Risk Management is more than just reducing volatility, it is a strategic imperative to better Business Management. The development of risk management capabilities has become particularly important in the face of increasing volatility and transparency in the business and global environment. As the expectations of both shareholders and regulators regarding risk management escalates in response to this volatility, so to will pressure on senior management to develop the appropriate culture, processes and infrastructure that underpins their organisation's risk management approach.
PwC can help you understand your risk profile to drive greater predictability, reduced volatility of earnings, lower cost of control, more effective decision making, better stakeholder management, enhanced customer experiences and increased enterprise value. We have specialized teams who can help you meet your Treasury, Operational, Regulatory and Enteprise risk needs.
Our Risk and Capital Management centres of excellence covers the full spectrum of risk management; arranged around the following seven risk disciplines:
The overall management of risk that an organisation takes and holds to achieve its strategic aims. It is the sum of the various risks the organisation takes in the various categories and focuses on optimising the balance and interaction of the different types of risks. Learn more…
Described by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision as "the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from external events." As such, operational risk captures business continuity plans, environmental risk, crisis management, process systems and operations risk, people related risks and health and safety, and information technology risks. Learn more…
Generally defined as the risk of default of an obligor to fully meet their commitments in a timely manner. The management of this risk covers:
● Origination
● Loan or debt management
● Collection and recovery.
Generally defined as the risk of the mark to market value portfolio, instrument or investment increasing or decreasing as a result of volatility and unpredicted movement in market valuations. Learn more…
The assessment and quantification of the likelihood and financial impact of events that may occur in the customer's world that require settlement by the insurer; and the ability to spread the risk of these events occurring across other insurance underwriter's in the market. Risk Management work typically involves the application of mathematical and statistical modelling to determine appropriate premium cover and the value of insurance risk to 'hold' vs 'distribute'. Learn more…
Treasury Risk is the risk associated with the management of an enterprise's holdings – ranging from money market instruments through to equities trading. Liquidity and Capital Risk is generally defined as the risk associated with an enterprise's ability to convert an asset or security into cash to prevent a loss. Capital risk is generally defined as an enterprise's access to cash at any given time and balancing this with its efficient use. Learn more…
Generally defined as the risk of have the 'licence to operate' withdrawn by a regulator, or having conditions applied (retrospectively or prospectively) that adversely impact the economic value of an enterprise. Learn more…
Amrita Jebamoney
National Risk and Digital Trust Leader, PwC Australia
Tel: +61 412 782 897