If you’re coming from Asia and looking to invest or live in Australia, there are significant financial implications, whether making acquisitions or changing residence.
Rather than dedicate substantial time and resources to researching the situation in Australia, you can access the knowledge instantly by connecting with PwC’s Private Clients Asia team. We have diverse, multilingual staff and a Mandarin-speaking team based in each of our offices.
We work with businesses looking to enter the Australian market, providing you with an end-to-end service from finding a suitable office site to effective tax structuring and deals. Our specialist team can run market assessments – looking at potential buyers, suppliers and competitors. We can set up your registrations, ensure you are compliant with all local tax and regulatory requirements, introduce you to the right people, and anything else that will help you to ‘hit the ground running’.
PwC's Outsourced CFO team can provide a third party finance function for your business in Australia to give you the comfort that your business is complying with local tax and compliance obligations.
The SIV or PIV are great mechanisms for high net worth individuals wanting to move to Australia. However, applications can be rejected due to inadequate paperwork. We can support you throughout the entire process by:
Whether you’re interested in commercial or residential properties, on a small or large scale, we have specialists who can support you. As part of the PwC network, we can link you with a property advisory team, tax structuring specialists and project managers who can to help you get the most out of your investments - whether it's choosing a location for your business to making an acquisition.
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