Whether you’re an Australian wanting to change residence, looking to expand your business or looking at how you can export your product or service to Asia or another part of the world, there are considerable financial opportunities, but without properly understanding the local tax, legal and cultural environment could cost you heavily – from being locked into an unfavourable tax position, to huge losses, or even being deported.
Researching the situation in your destination country takes an enormous amount of time and resources, and you still run the risk of missing something important. Connect with our team to access reliable, in-depth expertise on the areas that matter to you and your operations.
Pathfinder helps you find a path into the country of your choice. We can give you an assessment of where to start in your chosen destination, particularly in terms of free trade agreements. PwC’s international network allows us to do the kind of deep, local research that only people who live and work in your destination country can.
We have experts on the ground in most countries round the world who can give you practical support for the commercial aspects of overseas expansion such as financing, banking and record keeping, and advice on customary local employment issues.
To ensure you avoid costly tax structuring errors, it’s crucial to discuss your plans with an expert on both taxation and your destination country. We can identify risks and opportunities from the outset, so you can optimise the value of your move or business goals and avoid compliance pitfalls.
Our key goal is to get your overseas operation up and running quickly, enabling you to focus on winning business, while having peace of mind that your operation complies with local requirements. Whether it’s setting up your registrations, assisting with an audit, introducing you to the right people, or running market assessments (looking at potential buyers, suppliers and competitors), we’re on hand to help.
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