People & Organisation - Automate My Processes

Let your people drive value, let technology drive processes

Businesses rely on people to support and drive their strategy.

There are a range of obligations that result from this - from worker remuneration, through to tax and regulatory compliance measures. Managing these tasks is complicated further as remuneration and the regulatory environment become more complex, and as workforces become more mobile.

We believe in leveraging technology where it can free up our people to focus more on activities which drive value for our organisations, its stakeholders and for the community.

PwC has developed a suite of market leading technology enabled solutions to assist businesses with managing these people related processes. From analysing data to applying technical logic, through to the auto-completion and lodgement of statutory documents - our solutions are designed to allow businesses a choice of which aspects of their day to day activities they would like to simplify through automation.

We are proud to present the suite of solutions People & Organisation currently have to offer.

Our suite of products are designed to simplify your process, empower your people to focus on non-routine activities, and to offer unique analytical insights along the way.

View all products below, or select your area of interest to view the products specific to your needs.

Enabling you to realise and discover the potential of your people through automation


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Contact us

Norah Seddon

Norah Seddon

Partner, Tax, Asia Pacific Workforce Leader, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 2 8266 5864

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