Seizing the reinvention potential: PwC launches new immersive business technology experience

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

PwC Australia has opened a new immersive experience for businesses looking to implement emerging technologies to address burning challenges such as skills shortages, supply chain constraints and business model reinvention. 

PwC launches new immersive business technology experience shopping experience

The workshop, which is an extension of the firm’s Reinvention Lab, allows organisations to experience, test and explore advanced technologies, in an industry specific and tangible way. As a permanent feature of the Sydney office, the space will feature a range of immersive experiences. For the launch event, this included a frictionless retail store and humanoid avatar, called Cleo.

PwC launches new immersive business technology experience - Rohit Antao

PwC Australia’s Advisory co-leader, Ro Antao, said the aim is to move business thinking beyond the hypothetical. 

“We can’t solve the big, persistent problems, with the same old thinking. This space is about allowing organisations to genuinely consider where technology sits in their workforce, supply chain, customer experience or business models, not as a replacement to humans, but to add value,” he said. 

“It’s about sparking ideas and testing how things such as AI agents could be incorporated into your business, in a really tangible and practical way.”

PwC’s 27th annual CEO Survey found that, globally, senior leaders do not believe their business will be viable in the next decade, without reinvention. In addition, according to analysis by Jobs and Skills Australia, 36% of occupations assessed are struggling with skills shortages, a trend which has been increasing year on year.

PwC launches new immersive business technology experience - Hologram

“Emerging technology, such as AI agents or avatars, can be used to add a human touch to an otherwise digital experience, making it more engaging and seamless for customers. This could mean using humanoid AI agents to enhance digital touchpoints, such as online purchasing or in-store guidance,” he said. 

The first iteration of this space has been designed in collaboration with PwC alliance partner Microsoft. 

“We are looking to expand this offering to our Melbourne office, engaging other alliance partners such as Oracle, Salesforce, Amazon and SAP as well as our ecosystem of emerging technology partners. It’s more than just showcasing what’s possible, it’s about co-creating bespoke solutions with our clients, in a collaborative and purposeful way.”

For more information about this new offering, you can visit our website. 

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