PwC Australia focuses on decarbonisation to deliver on Net Zero ambitions

Monday, 19 August 2024

PwC Australia focuses on decarbonisation to deliver on Net Zero ambitions

PwC Australia is refreshing its Net Zero Action Plan to focus on decarbonising its operations and supply chain, including its continued efforts to reduce business travel emissions. 

The new approach puts emissions reduction at its core as the firm strives to deliver on Net Zero with 2030 goals, which is a focus across the PwC global network. This includes prioritising the reduction of emissions across our operations and in our supply chain, and reducing our reliance on offsetting. 

PwC Australia Chief Sustainability Officer Janette O’Neill said the firm has already made significant strides against its targets, achieving 100% renewable electricity across PwC offices and the introduction of a carbon cap on business air travel.

“We are committed to reducing our emissions in line with our global ambition of achieving our Net Zero with 2030 goals. We know this is our responsibility as a large employer and what our people, clients and communities expect of us,” she said. 

As part of this refreshed approach, the firm will focus on reducing its carbon footprint across the board, and purchasing high quality carbon credits in limited circumstances. This means we will no longer seek certification from Climate Active and will remove references to ‘carbon neutral’ or ‘carbon neutrality’ from our website and other public material. 

PwC Australia is proud to have been an early adopter of Climate Active, becoming a member when it was initiated in 2008. Participation has heralded a new era of transparency from businesses across Australia, encouraging them to think about, and report on, their carbon footprint. 

“The time is right for us to now take a more direct approach to reducing our emissions, ask the hard questions and challenge ourselves to do things differently. We are proud of our participation across the past 16 years, and will use this as a platform to continue to pursue proactive steps to reducing our carbon emissions across our operations and supply chain,” Ms O’Neill said. 

Please visit PwC Australia’s website for more information on our commitment to the environment.

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