Ziggy Switkowski AO to lead independent review of PwC Australia

Ziggy Switkowski AO to lead an independent review of PwC Australia’s culture, governance and accountability

Tony O’Malley, PwC’s Global Legal Business Solutions Leader, has been appointed as Chief Risk and Ethics Leader for PwC Australia with immediate effect

[15 May 2023] Australia – PwC Australia is today announcing two key appointments as part of its ongoing process of addressing the unauthorised sharing of confidential tax policy information.

Respected Australian business leader, Dr Ziggy Switkowski AO, will lead an independent review of the firm’s governance, accountability and culture.

The independent review was announced on 8 May to address issues identified by the Tax Practitioners Board’s investigation into the firm’s use of confidential tax policy information.

Dr Switkowski will consider all aspects of PwC Australia’s governance, accountability and culture, including how the firm applies its professional values and ethical standards across its work.

The independent review will look at the way in which decisions are made and overseen within PwC, including how financial goals, values and strategic objectives are balanced and prioritised. It will examine the way in which partners and staff are held accountable for their responsibilities, as well as assess the values and behaviours that exist at all levels within the firm.

Dr Switkowski will begin work immediately, and he has been asked to report his key findings and recommendations in September 2023. When complete, PwC Australia will share a summary of these key recommendations to ensure transparency.

We will not hesitate to take the recommended actions, including, where appropriate, exiting further people and partners from the firm.

PwC Australia has also announced that Tony O’Malley, currently PwC’s Global Legal Business Solutions Leader, has been appointed as Chief Risk and Ethics Leader for PwC Australia with immediate effect. He will have responsibility for all aspects of ethics and compliance at the firm and will help lead the implementation of the external review’s findings.

Tom Seymour, former CEO, will retire from the partnership on 30 September 2023, to enable an orderly transition.

Kristin Stubbins, acting Chief Executive of PwC Australia, said: “We are committed to learning from our mistakes and ensuring that we embrace the high standards of governance, culture and accountability that our people, clients and external stakeholders rightly expect. Dr Switkowski will have access to all the people and information he needs to conduct a rigorous and robust review. We look forward to receiving his report and acting swiftly on its recommendations.”



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