PwC reveals 92 new partners, adding 145 leaders to its partnership in FY21

PwC Australia has today announced 92 additional new partner admissions, on top of the 53 admitted on January 1 this year, taking the total number of new partners this financial year to 145. 

PwC Chief Executive Tom Seymour said “This represents the single largest intake of new partners in PwC Australia’s history and demonstrates the firm’s confidence in its growth prospects into the future and shows more than ever an ability to deliver on an exciting career path for its people.”

The new intake encompasses some of the brightest minds from across the country. The size and shape of the new intake reflect strong demand in tax and audit and growth markets including infrastructure, cyber security, the future of work and healthcare.

Sixty of the 92 new partners are internal promotions, two are international transfers, while the remaining 30 have joined the firm.

Consulting admitted 37 of the new partners or 40 per cent, Financial Advisory (including Tax, Private Clients, Deals and Infrastructure), admitted 36 or 39 per cent, while 18, or 20 per cent were in Assurance. and the remaining admission was in internal services. 

“Our new partners signify strong demand in our core businesses and in our growth markets, with experts in infrastructure, cyber security, the future of work and healthcare representing one in five of the new partners we’ve admitted since this time last year,” Mr Seymour said.

“Our new partners also demonstrate who we are as a firm. We’re constantly on the lookout for exceptional individuals who embody our values and have the right skills to meet our clients’ needs.

“Internal promotions represent around three-quarters of our new partner admissions in the last 12 months,  which shows there’s no better place than PwC for personal and professional growth. 

“We’re proud of the hard work we’ve put in as a firm to make our partnership more diverse and inclusive. This financial year 48 per cent of our partnership admissions are female and 34 per cent are from a diverse cultural background. We also have three Assurance partners and one Consulting partner admitted while on parental leave. 

“We’re thrilled to welcome this talented group to our partnership and congratulate them on this significant achievement.”

The new partners mean PwC’s partnership is now made up of 777 partners, up from 693 this time last year. 

List of PwC partner admissions from 2 January to 1 July 2021:

  1. Adam Graham, Financial Advisory
  2. Adam Magee, Consulting
  3. Adam Vassilieff, Financial Advisory
  4. Adele Smith, Assurance
  5. Adrian Finlayson, Consulting
  6. Amber Stevens, Financial Advisory
  7. Andrew Howell, Financial Advisory
  8. Andrew McKindlay, Financial Advisory
  9. Andrew Mrnjavac, Financial Advisory
  10. Anita Le, Consulting
  11. Anita Luke, Financial Advisory
  12. Annabelle Taggart, Assurance
  13. Anthony Buntic, Consulting
  14. Arash Azimi, Financial Advisory
  15. Ashani Samuel-Thambiah, Financial Advisory
  16. Ben Fielding, Consulting
  17. Ben Neumann, Financial Advisory
  18. Bernadette D'Alessandro, Assurance
  19. Bianca Robinson, Financial Advisory
  20. Birger Maekelburger, Consulting
  21. Bradley Burt, Consulting
  22. Cameron Jaggers, Assurance
  23. Carlos Aggio, Consulting
  24. Carolyn Cosgrove, Assurance
  25. Cassandra Fung, Financial Advisory
  26. Charles Pickett, Financial Advisory
  27. Chris Walker, Consulting
  28. Christa Ray, Consulting
  29. Christiana Gurgick, Consulting
  30. Christina Sahyoun, Financial Advisory
  31. Craig Smith, Consulting
  32. Daniel Duncalf, Financial Advisory
  33. Daniel Knox, Financial Advisory
  34. Danijela Malesevic, Financial Advisory
  35. Danny Touma, Financial Advisory
  36. David McDougall, Financial Advisory
  37. Denise Lucero, Consulting
  38. Elizabeth Fritts, Financial Advisory
  39. Emily Readhead, Consulting
  40. Fiona Copp, Assurance
  41. Gabriel Harris, Enabling Functions
  42. Garth Williams, Financial Advisory
  43. Ginny Griffin, Assurance
  44. Jacqui Visch, Consulting
  45. James Deighton, Consulting
  46. Janice Lee, Financial Advisory
  47. Jennifer Thomas, Consulting
  48. Jeremy Pitchford, Consulting
  49. Jessica Fantin, Financial Advisory
  50. John Higgins, Consulting
  51. Josh Raabe, Assurance
  52. Justine Rapaport, Assurance
  53. Kevin Sandler, Consulting
  54. Kushal Chadha, Financial Advisory
  55. Laura Chisholm, Consulting
  56. Lauren Wright, Assurance
  57. Linda Nitschke, Consulting
  58. Liza Allen, Consulting
  59. Masroor Khandwalla, Consulting
  60. Meegan Fitzharris, Consulting
  61. Michael Parris, Financial Advisory
  62. Michelle Hartman, Financial Advisory
  63. Nicholas Chiam, Consulting
  64. Nick Li, Financial Advisory
  65. Nick Warren, Consulting
  66. Paul Cornick, Financial Advisory
  67. Peter Ryan, Consulting
  68. Peter Stock, Consulting
  69. Philippa Cogswell, Assurance
  70. Pip Wyrdeman, Consulting
  71. Prav Ram, Assurance
  72. Rachel Smith, Financial Advisory
  73. Rebecca Smith, Financial Advisory
  74. Richa Arora, Consulting
  75. Rony Azzi, Consulting
  76. Rosemary Ide, Financial Advisory
  77. Ryan Jones, Financial Advisory
  78. Sadie Lees, Assurance
  79. Sally Woodward, Financial Advisory
  80. Salman Alikhan, Assurance
  81. Sara Afaghi, Consulting
  82. Scott Wilson, Financial Advisory
  83. Sharon Ponniah, Consulting
  84. Shehan Fonseka, Assurance
  85. Simon Robinson, Assurance
  86. Simon Teschendorf, Consulting
  87. Siobhan Hall, Financial Advisory
  88. Stuart Choi, Consulting
  89. Tony Richardson, Assurance
  90. Tsae-Chih Liew, Financial Advisory
  91. Vanessa Brennan, Consulting
  92. Vincenzo Dede, Assurance

List of PwC partner admissions to 1 January 2021:

  1. Adam Nicholas, Financial Advisory
  2. Adrian Gut, Assurance
  3. Alana Haiduk, Financial Advisory
  4. Alexandra Richardson, Assurance
  5. Avni Broota, Assurance
  6. Ben Jackson, Financial Advisory
  7. Ben Pearce, Financial Advisory
  8. Ben Tompsett, Assurance
  9. Bill Bovopoulos, Consulting
  10. Brenton Newlands, Assurance
  11. Catherine Jones, Consulting
  12. Catherine Walsh, Enabling Functions
  13. Clementine Thompson, Financial Advisory
  14. Cornelie Broekhuysen, Assurance
  15. Craig Shepherd, Financial Advisory
  16. Daniel Rudd, Assurance
  17. David Patterson, Assurance
  18. Elyssa Harris, Financial Advisory
  19. Emily Wilhelm, Consulting
  20. Govert Mellink, Consulting
  21. India Hardy, Consulting
  22. James Wijemanne, Financial Advisory
  23. Jensen Li, Financial Advisory
  24. Jeremy Bransgrove, Financial Advisory
  25. Joel Simmonds, Financial Advisory
  26. Karim Raphael, Financial Advisory
  27. Katherine Ellis, Financial Advisory
  28. Katie Barnett, Financial Advisory
  29. Kerrie Young, Consulting
  30. Kevin Holzapfel, Financial Advisory
  31. Lila Raskin, Assurance
  32. Madeleine Daly, Financial Advisory
  33. Marna Slabbert, Consulting
  34. Mary Attard, Consulting
  35. Matthew Sealey, Financial Advisory
  36. Matthew Wright, Financial Advisory
  37. Meredith Beatton, Assurance
  38. Michael Thompson, Consulting
  39. Mike Younger, Assurance
  40. Nada Darido, Financial Advisory
  41. Nadia Jaworski, Financial Advisory
  42. Nicola Craven, Assurance
  43. Nina Larkin, Consulting
  44. Rikhav Shah, Assurance
  45. Ryan Menezes, Assurance
  46. Sarah Stewart, Consulting
  47. Shagun Thakur, Financial Advisory
  48. Sheenal Rao, Financial Advisory
  49. Steph Waddon, Consulting
  50. Stephanie Lam, Financial Advisory
  51. Stuart Goddard, Financial Advisory
  52. Tim Noonan, Consulting
  53. Tim Williams, Consulting


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