Suburbs such as Richmond, Hawthorn, Southbank and South Yarra have traditionally been ranked as some of our most sought after areas to live. They are close to jobs in the CBD and have good access to amenities. COVID-19 though is reshaping the way we live, particularly with the move towards more remote working. PwC’s latest CityPulse analysis, which looks at the liveability of Victoria’s suburbs, suggests white collar workers in our middle and outer suburbs are big winners as a result of increased remote working. Suburbs such as Point Cook in the west, which is more than 20km outside of the CBD, have seen a dramatic increase in “Live” scores for white collar workers.
Similar stories emerge for places such as Beaconsfield and Berwick in the East, Panton Hill, Research and Doreen in the North and Mount Eliza on the Peninsula. This means young families traditionally torn between living in smaller more expensive housing close to jobs in the CBD or choosing to live further out for more space but bearing the brunt of the daily commute now have a simpler choice. More affordable housing in the middle and outer rings becomes far more attractive as we embrace remote working, which could reinvigorate local communities.
This article by Peter Konidaris, PwC Melbourne Managing Partner, first appeared in the Herald Sun.
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