17 September 2024
by James Patto, Khushboo Ruhal and Olivia Sasse
After a range of inquiries, reviews and reports, on 12 September 2024, almost seven years after the last major reform to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the ‘Act’) (being the introduction of the mandatory notifiable data breach scheme), the Attorney-General, Mr Dreyfus, introduced the highly anticipated Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 (the ‘Bill’) to parliament. The Bill, if enacted, will amend the Act to implement some of the recommendations that were agreed to by the Government in its response to the Privacy Act Review Report (the ‘Response’). However, the Bill does not include some of the more substantive proposals which had been anticipated given the Government had agreed or agreed in principle to these proposals in the Response.
In the current climate, privacy reforms in Australia have gained significant momentum. Recent major data breaches have heightened public awareness and concern, prompting the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (the ‘OAIC’) to ramp up its enforcement activities. The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence has introduced new privacy challenges, further intensifying the call for comprehensive reform.
This urgency was underscored by the Attorney-General's speech at the Privacy by Design Awards in July, where he criticised the existing framework as "woefully outdated and unfit for the digital age" and outlined a range of key reforms that the Government was considering which included some major changes to the Act. The combination of these factors suggested that we would see transformative changes to privacy laws in Australia – something that there appeared to be a strong appetite for.
Despite the calls for swift and substantial reform of Australia’s privacy regime, the Bill reflects a more cautious and measured approach, much like the Response did in first instance. Of the 89 proposals for legislative change, the Response agreed to 25, agreed in principle to 56 and noted 8. The Bill itself aims to implement 23 of the 25 legislative proposals that were agreed in the Government Response to the Privacy Act Review and one of the ‘agreed-in-principle’ recommendations.
While the Attorney-General has promised further consultation on remaining reforms, there is uncertainty about introducing additional tranches of legislation before the 2025 federal election. Moreover, a change in Government could significantly impact whether the agreed reforms in the Response that have not been included in the Bill will still be pursued in their current form.
Set out below is a snapshot of the Bill, including all reforms, together with a high-level list of some key reforms that are not included in the Bill but may be introduced at some point in the future:
Key takeaways:
Details around the key changes contained in the Bill, together with our observations, are set out below:
Area of reform | Details of reform | Our observations |
Children’s Online Privacy Code (COP Code) | Information Commissioner to develop and register a COP Code, which would be an enforceable APP code that sets out how one or more of the APPs are to be applied or complied with in relation to the privacy of children (currently, this is only contained in OAIC guidance materials and is therefore non-binding). |
Clarification of reasonable steps | Clarifying that reasonable steps to protect information in APP 11 includes implementing both technical and organisational measures (such as encrypting data, securing access to systems and premises, and undertaking staff training). |
Overseas data flows | Introducing a mechanism to prescribe countries and binding schemes as providing substantially similar protection to the APPs and then allowing disclosure of information to organisations in those jurisdictions. This will occur where a country or binding scheme:
Eligible data breaches | Empowering the Minister to make a reasonable, proportionate and necessary declaration (operating for no more than 12 months) enabling entities to handle personal information in a manner that would otherwise not be permitted under the APPs or certain secrecy provisions in order to prevent or reduce the risk of harm to individuals in the event of an eligible data breach , where the Minister is satisfied that the making of the declaration is necessary or appropriate to prevent or reduce a risk of harm. |
Penalties and enforcement |
Automated Decisions and Privacy Policies | The amendment to APP 1.7 and 1.8 introduces a requirement for entities using automated decision-making (ADM) to disclose in their privacy policies the types of personal information used, and the decisions made by computer programs that could significantly affect individuals' rights or interests. This requirement will take effect 24 months after the Act receives Royal Assent. |
Statutory Tort | Schedule 2 of the Draft Bill introduces a new statutory tort for serious invasions of privacy. This provision allows individuals to take legal action against others who invade their privacy, either by intruding upon their seclusion or misusing their information. Defences are available if the accused acted with lawful authority or in situations involving consent, necessity, or the defence of persons or property. If the invasion involves publishing information, defences similar to those in defamation cases may apply. Additionally, if a defendant identifies competing public interests, such as freedom of expression, the plaintiff must prove that their privacy interest outweighs these. Exemptions are in place for intelligence agencies, those disclosing information to such agencies, and individuals under 18. Journalists and certain associated persons, as well as enforcement bodies, are also exempt in specific circumstances. The court can grant remedies, including capped damages, and may issue interim injunctions to prevent further privacy invasions. Proceedings can be summarily dismissed under certain conditions. |
Other legislative changes contained in the Bill include:
Criminalisation of doxxing
This Bill also seeks to introduce targeted criminal offences for doxxing by restricting the ability for people to use a carriage service to make available, publish or otherwise distribute an individual’s personal data online in a manner that would be menacing or harassing towards that individual.
The Bill, which applies a maximum penalty of 6 years’ imprisonment for the new offence, also applies a higher maximum penalty of 7 years’ imprisonment where a person or group is targeted based on protected characteristics, such as race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex status, disability, nationality or national or ethnic origin.
These reforms to Australia's privacy regime represent a positive, albeit modest, step forward. They lay a solid foundation for future, more comprehensive changes. However, it's disappointing that more ambitious reforms weren't included in the Bill. After over two years of consultation (without factoring in other reviews such as the Digital Platforms Inquiry), businesses still lack clarity on the Act's ultimate direction and timeline.
Our previous analysis pointed out the risk of increased uncertainty for organisations regarding data governance and compliance priorities. While some level of reform is anticipated, it's unclear if this justifies significant investment in privacy upgrades without a definitive Government stance on major reforms. Organisations face continued ambiguity about whether to act now or wait for clearer regulatory expectations. Additionally, a change in Government could further complicate the reform process, adding further uncertainty for organisations attempting to plan for, and fund, data governance improvements.
In the absence of concrete reforms, a clear Government roadmap and timeline for major reforms would be invaluable – setting out a date where a go / no go decision will be made on whether the reform will form part of the next tranche of legislative amendments. This will provide at least some certainty to organisations waiting to see what they should be prioritising in terms of their uplift activities.
In this vein, it's puzzling why straightforward reforms promoting good data practices weren't included in this tranche of reforms, despite the Government's willingness to consider some agreed-in-principle changes (e.g. the statutory tort). These practices are not just compliance activities; they enhance business value and insights from data.
We continue to recommend that industry proactively enhance compliance and data governance to address data risks, maximise data value and create a solid foundation for future compliance. Key reforms to consider adopting early include:
These examples highlight recommendations that could easily have been included in this round of reforms.
The inclusion of doxing criminal offences wasn't part of the Privacy Act review or the Response, emerging instead from a high-profile incident in February involving the personal information of Jewish community members that was maliciously leaked. While necessary, it's unfortunate that significant effort appears to have been dedicated to this new offence rather than addressing long-criticised systemic issues within the regime.
The scale of change required to align Australia's privacy laws with leading international regulations, such as the GDPR, is substantial. However, many of the proposed reforms in the Response mirror those mandated by the GDPR, which has been in place for six years. This means that implementing these reforms in Australia would likely have a lesser burden on organisations who are able to benefit from the EU's experience and related technology tools – and many Australian organisations that operate internationally already look towards the GDPR as a benchmark to assess their compliance against.
Another significant concern is the Australian privacy risks involved with the development, training and use of AI by both local and international organisations. Reports have already highlighted instances where Australian personal information has been collected and used in ways that diverge from community expectations. In some of these cases, the GDPR has provided a level of protection that Australian law currently lacks, and without clear rules, this issue may worsen and become more complex. The development of AI guidelines by the OAIC is eagerly anticipated, but these guidelines will operate within the existing legal framework, which is already struggling to keep up with rapid technological changes. This challenge is further compounded by the potential impact of quantum technologies, which could introduce even more complexities into the privacy landscape. Addressing these issues is crucial to ensure that organisations can navigate their AI acceleration journey responsibly and in alignment with community standards.
For now, organisations remain in reform limbo, awaiting clarity on what will be expected of them in the coming years.
The information contained in this article is general in nature and is not intended to be a substitute for legal advice. Readers should obtain independent legal advice as to their specific circumstances.
Note: Calculations based on penalty unity value as at date of this article.
PwC Australia