Business Reorganisation

Navigate the complexities of business structuring with seamless integrated advice.

In today’s fast-moving world, structural and business flexibility is more important than ever. Backed by the breadth and depth of PwC’s global network, we combine legal advice with expertise of our tax and business consultants to guide your business reorganisation in the right strategic direction.

Integrated Services

Working with PwC business specialists, we design legal entity structures, draft legal documentation and provide full legal implementation support. Using a variety of technology solutions such as document management platforms, document automation tools and filterable legal action plans, you have real time access to the various workstreams.

Legal entity rationalisation

Having a simpler and more transparent corporate structure can allow you to respond to business needs with speed and agility, reduce the risk of a mismatch between legal and operational demands, and facilitate good corporate governance practices. We undertake initial legal feasibility studies to help identify opportunities for transformation, develop optimal legal structures and create detailed legal implementation plans. Once decisions are made, we provide full legal implementation support.

Business and supply chain structuring

Operational and supply chain changes have broad and varied impacts across the business, particularly in highly regulated industries. As you restructure business models to accommodate the fast-changing commercial landscape, your legal structure must adapt in step with the operational structure. Agile and resilient legal structures are critical to meet the ever changing demands on your business.

Deal-related reorganisations

We develop legal structures that simplify the complexities found in and after the completion of corporate deals. We empower you to address critical legal issues before deal decisions are made so that you can pre-empt potential challenges and delays during and after implementation.

Cash repatriation

Increasingly, companies are repatriating cash through their group structures to optimise financial outcomes. This process requires legal scrutiny and expert advice to ensure legal processes are managed correctly. Our lawyers work together with tax experts and other business consultants so that all aspects of your transaction are considered and coordinated.

Strategic transaction management

Robust project management and governance practices are crucial to project success and efficient service delivery. Our lawyers work with project management professionals to complete some of the most challenging and complex legal projects with minimal disruption. With legal project management support from PwC, you get better visibility into your project and mitigate execution risks.

How we can help

Our legal experts help you see through the uncertainty, by uncovering opportunities for transformation, developing agile legal structures, and providing full legal implementation support.

Pre-deal separations and carve outs

Post-deal integrations

Pre-spin/Pre-IPO reorganisations

Corporate simplifications & business simplification

Branch establishments and transfers

Alignment of legal structure and business divisions

Intra-group cross-border mergers

Day-to-day corporate reorganisation and transitional commercial arrangements

Cash repatriation

Financing and refinancing structuring

Project management of cross-border transactions

Transaction implementation

Meet our Business Reorganisation team

Coming together as a community of solvers, we integrate seamlessly into existing teams or build new ones specific to inform your business reorganisation. Our lawyers are agile, absorbing the full picture to deliver practical advice to help businesses to grow.

Andrew Wheeler

Partner, Legal, Sydney, PwC Australia

+61 400 260 021


Jensen Li

Partner, Legal Business Solutions, Melbourne, PwC Australia

+61 433 942 706
