Future of General Insurance

Improving profitability in a changing industry

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Industry Matters Executive Series: Hot Topic: Transformation

Hear from Vivek Bhatia, CEO Australia Pacific QBE Insurance, on the hot topic of transformation. Vivek discusses how to balance investment for today and tomorrow, how to achieve accountability in a fluid and agile world and what's ahead for the insurance sector.

Key insights on future profitability in general insurance

General insurance leaders face a daunting array of challenges today and the industry will change beyond recognition in the next few years. Our new report tackles this head on, identifying the strategic factors that can unlock future profitability.

The Future of General Insurance: Improving profitability in a changing industry explores the risks, opportunities and challenges that every insurance CEO is up against right now. The report then discusses financial performance and trends in the sector in Australia. Finally, it reveals the strategic trade-offs and tough questions that every leader must answer now in order to build for the future.



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