With the completion of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the country is signalling that it’s open for business to foreign investors. As China moves from its former position as a global sourcing destination to its new status as a global market, the focus for foreign businesses has shifted from the "emerging labour pool" to the "emerging middle class."
So now is the time to do business in China. But how can businesses best take advantage of this opportunity? Finding the right path into the China market brings its own unique challenges: Many have discovered that success in their markets is not entitlement to the same in China. The lesson we learned from early entrants is clear: Do not invest here if you are not fully prepared and committed.
Organised into 10 separate, stand-alone chapters, this book presents perspectives from PwC industry professionals and specialists in China, shaped by their real, on-the-ground experience in China. PwC China have written this book after listening to you tell us about what concerns you most about this market. And ultimately, we’ll take you through some of the critical hurdles and success factors that will ensure you can succeed in one of the fastest-growing parts of the world.
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