COVID-19 comes at a time when technology trends have been reshaping the economy, but arguably not fundamentally transforming it.
PwC believes the telecommunications industry across consumer, business, and wholesale segments is uniquely placed to lay the foundations of access, inclusion and digitisation that will accelerate the economic recovery of Australia.
Where next for telecommunications? explores the trends that are emerging in Australia and worldwide for telecommunications. Following on from the themes covered in Australia Rebooted, PwC has distilled nine forces of change that may shape the post COVID-19 recovery phase for the Australian telecommunications industry.
PwC solves important problems in Australian telecommunications. Stay up-to-date on the future of our telecommunications industry. Learn more.
5G networkings combination of super-high speeds, extra-wide bandwidth, near-zero latency and low electric power needs will transform how consumers and...
PwC shares insights into media and entertainment consumer trends and opportunities. Learn more from our media industry report today.
Laurence Dell
Partner, Customer Transformation and Telecommunications Sector Lead, PwC Australia
Tel: +61 413 919 944
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