Federal Treasurer, The Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP, delivered his fourth consecutive Federal Budget on Tuesday, 25 March 2025, being the 2025-26 Federal Budget.
This Budget was always going to be shaped by the political reality of a Federal election that must be held by no later than 17 May 2025. As such, a focus on cost of living (e.g. energy cost relief), strengthening Medicare, and health were key initiatives. On the tax front, new personal tax cuts and an increase in the Medicare levy low-income thresholds for some groups maintained the focus on cost of living. There was also additional funding to extend or expand various tax compliance programs, as well as the deferral of some previously announced measures.
Our detailed analysis of the tax measures in the 2025-26 Federal Budget can be found under the headings below.
In this section of our 2025-26 Federal Budget tax analysis, we outline the forward agenda for personal and business tax and superannuation measures yet to be enacted.
Read moreFederal Treasurer, The Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP has handed down the 2025-26 Federal Budget outlining the Australian Government's plans for revenue and expenditure for 2025-26 and beyond. Watch this special edition of PwC’s Tax Briefing for an in-depth discussion of important tax announcements included in this year’s Federal Budget.
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