Willmott Forests Limited (In Liquidation)

Access to this information is restricted to shareholders, employees, noteholders or creditors of the company / companies set out in this PwC insolvency case, or representative of such a creditor, or a person engaged by PwC in connection with the PwC case who has been given permission to access this information. To gain access to this information, you have agreed not to communicate any information contained in the Insolvency Cases area relating to the company / companies (which is or may be defamatory) to any person other than another shareholder or creditor of the company / companies.

Notice to Unsecured Creditors

The Liquidator has issued his intention to declare a first and final dividend to unsecured creditors of the Company on 29 June 2022. Creditors whose debts or claims have not already been admitted are required on or before 06 June 2022 formally to prove their debts or claims. If they do not, they will be excluded from the benefit of the dividend. Based on the Liquidator's current estimate, the final dividend to be in the order of 1-2 cents in the dollar, subject to finalising all claims and outstanding liabilities of the liquidation.

The proof of debt forms to be completed and submitted are linked below in the Documents section of this page.


For all general creditor enquiries please contact Jaydon.patel@pwc.com or +61 3 8603 0332.

Notice to Growers

The remaining registered schemes were finalised on 8 July 2022 after distributing the final Scheme monies held and the final grower report can be found linked below in the Documents section of this page.

Willmott Forests Ltd (In Liquidation)
Appointment type Creditors Voluntary Liquidation
Appointment date 26 October 2010
Company details (ACN) 063 263 650
Bioenergy Australia Pty Ltd (Receivers & Managers Appointed) (In Liquidation) ACN 096 335 901
BioForest Ltd (Receivers & Managers Appointed) (In Liquidation) ACN 096 335 876
Willmott Energy Pty Ltd (Receivers & Managers Appointed) (In Liquidation) ACN 130 251 759
Willmott Finance Pty Ltd (Receivers & Managers Appointed) (In Liquidation) ACN 081 274 811
Willmott Forest Nominees Pty Ltd (Receivers & Managers Appointed) (In Liquidation) ACN 085 588 772
Willmott Forest Products Pty Ltd (Receivers & Managers Appointed) (In Liquidation) ACN 103 019 094
Willmott Forests Investment Management Pty Ltd (Receivers & Managers Appointed) (In Liquidation) ACN 098 718 837
Willmott Notes Pty Ltd (Receivers & Managers Appointed) (In Liquidation) ACN 134 963 036
Willmott Subscriber Pty Ltd (Receivers & Managers Appointed) (In Liquidation)  ACN 134 963 027


26.07.22 Final report to Scheme members
12.05.22 Notice of intention to declare a first and final dividend to unsecured creditors
26.06.18 ASIC annual report 2018
31.10.17 6 June 2017 - Defendants' outline of submissions
31.10.17 11 February 2011 notices of breach CDC-17
31.10.17 11 November 2010 notices of breach CDC-14
31.10.17 16 December 2010 notices of breach CDC-15
31.10.17 20 January 2011 notices of breach CDC-16
31.10.17 439A Report - Appendices A - F
31.10.17 439A Report - Appendices G - J
31.10.17 439A Report - Second Report to Creditors
31.10.17 Affidavit 2 - Craig Crosbie - 4 February 2011
31.10.17 Affidavit 2 Exhibit CDC-9
31.10.17 Affidavit 2 Exhibit CDC-10 Part 1
31.10.17 Affidavit 2 Exhibit CDC-11
31.10.17 Affidavit 2 Exhibit CDC-12
31.10.17 Affidavit 2 Exhibit CDC-13
31.10.17 Affidavit 2 Exhibit CDC-14
31.10.17 Affidavit 2 Exhibit CDC-15
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 - Craig Crosbie - 11 May 2011
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-16
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-17
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-18
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-19
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-20
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-21
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-22
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-23
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-24
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-25
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-26
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-27
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-28
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-29
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-30
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-31
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-32-Confidential
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-33-Confidential
31.10.17 Affidavit 3 Exhibit CDC-34
31.10.17 Affidavit of Craig Crosbie - Willmott - Main Sale
31.10.17 Affidavit of Craig David Crosbie (without exhibits)
31.10.17 Affidavit of Craig David Crosbie
31.10.17 Amendment Deeds CDC-4
31.10.17 ASIC Annual Report 2014
31.10.17 ASIC Annual Report 2015
31.10.17 ASIC Annual Report 2016
31.10.17 ASIC Annual Report 2017
31.10.17 ASIC searches GRP and HVP CDC-5
31.10.17 Circular to Creditors and Investors - 1 November 2010
31.10.17 Compact disc CDC-6
31.10.17 Compact Disc CDC-12
31.10.17 CONFIDENTIAL Final Implementation Deed CDC-21
31.10.17 CONFIDENTIAL HVP Offer CDC-19
31.10.17 CONFIDENTIAL Poryry HVP Report CDC-20
31.10.17 CONFIDENTIAL PPB AdvisoryA Memorandum CDC-22
31.10.17 CONFIDENTIAL Preliminary HVP Offer CDC-18
31.10.17 Constitution - Willmott Forests Premium Forestry Blend Project CDC-24
31.10.17 Constitution - Willmott Forests Project CDC-23
31.10.17 Court Application 4 February 2011
31.10.17 Court Application 11 May 2011
31.10.17 Court Application 26 November 2010
31.10.17 Court Order - 3 April 2012
31.10.17 Court Order - 8 February 2011
31.10.17 Court Order - 28 June 2011
31.10.17 Court Order - 29 June 2011
31.10.17 Directors Report CDC-9
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-3
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-4
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-5
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-6
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-7
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-8
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-9
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-10
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-12
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-13 - CONFIDENTIAL
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-14 - CONFIDENTIAL
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-15 - CONFIDENTIAL
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-16 - CONFIDENTIAL
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-17 - CONFIDENTIAL
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-18 - CONFIDENTIAL
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-19 - CONFIDENTIAL
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-20 - CONFIDENTIAL
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-21 - CONFIDENTIAL
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-22 - CONFIDENTIAL
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-23
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-24
31.10.17 Exhibit CDC-25 - CONFIDENTIAL
31.10.17 Forest Property Agreement - Tranche 1 CDC-11
31.10.17 Forestry Management Agreement - Tranche 1 CDC-10
31.10.17 Frequently Asked Questions 6 June 2011
31.10.17 Grower update 5 April 2012
31.10.17 Grower Update 20 June 2012
31.10.17 Grower update 31 Jan 12-2
31.10.17 Growers Forestry Insurance Policy
31.10.17 Interlocutory Process dated 26 May 2017
31.10.17 Investment Deed - 2004 Project CDC-25
31.10.17 Investment Deed - 2006 Project CDC-26
31.10.17 Justice Judd Order 23 May 17 S ECI 2015 00490
31.10.17 Letter from Receivers and Managers 12 May 2011
31.10.17 Letter to Growers 7 July 2011
31.10.17 Letter to Growers 13 February 2012
31.10.17 Letter to Growers 13 May 2011
31.10.17 Letter to Growers 31 January 2012
31.10.17 Letter to Growers 31 May 2011
31.10.17 Letter to shareholders 1 June 2011
31.10.17 Ltr to Growers September 2012
31.10.17 Minutes of the second creditors' meeting for Willmott Group
31.10.17 Notice distribution confirmation
31.10.17 Notices of Breach - 6 October 2010 CDC-13
31.10.17 Orders CDC-3
31.10.17 Originating Process and Proper Basis Certificate
31.10.17 Overarching Obligations Certification - 13 December 2011
31.10.17 Overarching Obligations Certification
31.10.17 Proper basis certification - 14 December 2011
31.10.17 Sealed Originating Process
31.10.17 Second Affidavit of JCS
31.10.17 Shareholder Declaration
31.10.17 Third Affidavit CDC-2
31.10.17 Update July 2012
31.10.17 Webster affidavit CDC-1
31.10.17 Willmott Forest Limited
31.10.17 Willmott Forests Advertisement
31.10.17 Willmott Frequently Asked Questions
31.10.17 Willmott Group_ASIC Annual Report
31.10.17 Willmott Letter to Growers 18 April 2011

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