Transformative transactions can be challenging. While some companies are exceeding their own expectations in unlocking transformative value through transactions, others are not. PwC research found around one in five corporate leaders say their expectations weren’t met when using transactions to create value.
So, what’s preventing companies from realising value? Common value blockers include tech systems and data integration issues, and people and culture issues.
When it comes to technology, the number one dealbreaker is when IT strategy and business strategy are not on the same page. During a transaction, it’s vital to have a clear tech strategy or IT roadmap, and that roadmap must be closely aligned with the overall strategy of the organisation.
Start with your rationale, or the ‘why’ of the deal, and then translate that rationale into work packages for implementation. Ask: Is technology underpinning our M&A objectives? What are we trying to achieve with this transaction, and is our technology strategy supporting that objective? (For instance, if you’re acquiring a business to secure new technologies and accelerate digital transformation, do you have the skills and capabilities to leverage those technologies?)
Watch for potential tripwires when managing technology systems and data integration during a transaction including:
Transformative transactions can rapidly add value, but managing people and culture-related issues is a long game, and there can be stumbling blocks along the way. Change management, for example, presents a potential pitfall. Our Creating Value Beyond the Deal study found that 82% of surveyed companies say significant value was destroyed in their latest acquisition after they lost more than 10% of key employees following the transaction.
When acquiring and retaining talent, and when developing workforce culture, be mindful of these people and culture-related barriers:
Siobhan Syrrou
Deals Markets Leader and Partner Deals Valuations, PwC Australia
Tel: +61 2 8266 5570
Charles Pickett
Partner, Deals Analytics | Deals Technology Leader, PwC Australia
Tel: +61 2 8366 5769
Clara Cutajar
Partner, Advisory, Global Capital Projects & Infrastructure Leader, PwC Australia
Tel: +61 409 223 037
Troy Porter
Partner, Private Capital Industry Leader, PwC Australia
Tel: +61 2 8266 7516
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