Advisory Leader, PwC Australia
Ro Antao is the Advisory Leader at PwC Australia, a member of the Management Leadership Team and leads the Australian Consulting business within Advisory. Ro is also the Executive Sponsor for the firm's Alliances program and PwC's Global Cloud Transformation Lead.
Prior to joining PwC Australia, he was with PwC US where he founded and led the US firm's Cloud Transformation business. As a practitioner, Ro advises digital executives on transforming their organisations to become more innovative, agile, and digitally fit through leveraging emerging platforms, data, and contemporary operating models.
Having spent more than 15 years in Silicon Valley, he has worked closely with leadership teams across many of the iconic brands in the hi-tech industry driving disruptive change in their business model, customer and employee experience, and technology platform. As a leader, Ro is passionate about building diverse and inclusive digital teams with a relentless focus on helping clients achieve meaningful business outcomes.
Ro received his Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics (Robotics) from Bombay University, India; Post-Graduate Diploma in IT from Monash University, Australia; and M.S. in Information Security Technology and Management from Carnegie Mellon University, USA. He has been a past member and Chapter Secretary of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). He is married and has two young boys.
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