Partner, Global Board Member, PwC Australia
Paddy is an Assurance Partner at PwC Australia. She is also a member of the Global Board of the PwC international network and is Chair of its Markets Committee.
Paddy’s career has spanned over 30 years with a focus on providing assurance and advisory services to clients in the Consumer Markets sector. Her career has also included leading one of PwC’s largest assurance teams, being Deputy Chair of the Board of Partners, and an inaugural director of both PwC’s Indigenous Consulting business and the PwC Australia Foundation.
Prior to joining PwC Australia, Paddy was with PwC U.K. where she started her career in the Birmingham office. She has a BSc (Hons) in Management Science, is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and is a member of Chief Executive Women.
Paddy is passionate about the arts and education. She is currently a Board member of Redlands school and Sydney Festival and previously a trustee for the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences and Sydney Living Museums.
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