Chief Executive Officer, PwC Australia
Kevin is the Chief Executive Officer of PwC Australia and sits on the firm's Management Leadership Team and Governance Board.
Prior to joining the Australian partnership as CEO, Kevin was the PwC network's Global Clients & Industries Leader and sat on the global leadership team. In this role he delivered trust and sustained outcome solutions to PwC’s 200 biggest global clients. He also managed PwC’s global industry programme, ensuring the firm’s thinking was at the forefront of developing trends and opportunities. Kevin relocated to Singapore in 2021 to represent and support PwC’s expansion in Asia, and had previously served in the UK firm as Head of Clients and Markets and as Global Banking & Capital Markets Leader and Financial Services Leader.
During his career Kevin has primarily focused on advising, leading and delivering projects for the world's largest banks across a broad agenda from strategy to process efficiency, front office to HR, globally and locally.
Kevin's experience outside of PwC includes periods working at IBM, Credit Suisse and The Royal Bank of Scotland, which has seen him based in London, New York and Frankfurt. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
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