Acting General Counsel, Sydney, PwC Australia
Karen Evans-Cullen is the Acting General Counsel for PwC Australia and member of the firm's Management Leadership Team. Currently on secondment from Gilbert + Tobin, she has over 20 years of experience as a strategic mergers and acquisitions and corporate governance and advisory lawyer.
Karen has advised clients on transactions across a broad range of industry sectors and is highly regarded for her ability to deliver innovative solutions to achieve her client’s objectives. She has established a strong reputation for advising boards and management on corporate governance issues including governance practices and processes, risk management, board effectiveness, continuous disclosure, regulatory investigations, related party transactions, directors’ duties and executive remuneration.
Karen has a Master of Laws from Georgetown University USA, which she completed as a Fulbright Scholar. She also has a Bachelor Laws from the University of Western Australia, and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment. Karen regularly guest lectures in takeover laws at the University of New South Wales and is a member of the Corporations Committee of the Law Council of Australia.
Prior to joining G+T, Karen was Head of Corporate in PwC Legal from 2017 to 2021, and prior to that, was a partner at Clayton Utz for 15 years.
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