Partner, Workforce, PwC Australia
About Emma
Emma is a partner in PwC’s Workforce practice leading the HR Operations Advisory business, prior to that she led the People and Organisation team in PwC’s Consulting business. Emma focuses across all aspects of HR and workforce transformation and is passionate about helping clients navigate the complexity and risk of major change. Emma is passionate about building capable teams, coaching, and mentoring, and she actively contributes to leadership alignment, engagement, and cultural change.
Emma has provided consulting services to clients in the resources, government, logistics and banking sectors, working on iconic transformations where clients and businesses are at their most vulnerable. This has required a perspective on the business strategy, managing risk and shaping the cultural and behavioural aspects of change. Her global experience covers post-merger integration, technology and digital transformation, cultural change, and leadership.
Emma is a Masters graduate in Coaching and Consulting for Change, and a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD).
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