Partner, Assurance, PwC Australia
In the accounting and finance profession for more than two decades, Chris commenced with PwC Australia in the early 1990s. Since then, Chris has led and collaborated on an extensive array of projects and across diverse sectors.
With broad experience in the renewable energy, sporting, infrastructure, mining and mineral exploration sectors, Chris has worked both domestically in Australian and internationally (including Asia, Africa and the United Kingdom). Some clients Chris has helped include Cricket Australia, the Allan Border Medal, Richmond Football Club and the Oceania Olympic Foundation.
Chris holds an MBA (Melbourne Business School) and Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Business Law) from the University of Melbourne. He is a Director of The Good Foundation’s Board and is an Advisory Council Member of the Centre for Social Impact (CSI).
Chris resides in Melbourne with his wife Bernadette and five daughters; is a life member of the Bentleigh Uniting Cricket Club; and, is a member of the Metropolitan Golf Club.
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