Hardened Cloud

Designed to keep your Cloud environment secure, while you focus on your business.

Embedded into your operating model

PwC's Hardened Cloud delivers carefully engineered frameworks, automation and analysis, as well as an agnostic, secure approach to the technology and human risks brought about by agile development on your public cloud. 

Irrespective of where you are in your journey on cloud, we can offer an end-to-end managed service to cater to your needs, or strategic advice that will enhance both the security and operability of your cloud environment.

It's your choice. 

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PwC's Hardened Cloud: Security @ the speed of business

How to get the most value from your cloud environment while minimising risk with PwC's Hardened Cloud.

Removing the bottlenecks to change

Getting the most value from your cloud enviornment while minimising risk, means focussing on some key areas:


Your security and risk teams are accountable for protecting the organisation. 

  • Are your security risk people integrated into your DevOps? 
  • Do they have the engineering mindset to manage controls at the speed of your business?


Across your multiple DevOps processes, there are thousands of change points currently implemented. 

  • Are you sure that change is being implemented securely and in a way that doesen't put your business at risk? 
  • Can you govern change at the required speed? 
  • Have you worked out how to integrate risk and compliance into the Dev process? 


In order to keep driving innovation, value and competitive advantage, technology needs to shift from a static to a dynamic approach. 

  • Do you have the right technology to be nimble? 
  • Are the security, risk and compliance teams keeping up? Are they using the same tools as the DevOps teams?

A smooth, secure path forward

PwC's Hardened Cloud is a new market solution, delivering a holistic approach to the problem, combining: 

  • Cyber and cloud engineering 
  • Change, compliance and risk expertise
  • Industry aligned template and solutions
  • 'Open' automation tools and analytics

PwC's Hardened Cloud is designed to keep your Cloud environment secure, while you focus on your business.

Establishing configuration of the Cloud in line with policies and regulations to prevent drift amd esnure integrity.

Embedding adaptive controls into the delivery of development changes so that regulatory compliance becomes a continuous part of how your DevOps team works - without losing momentum. 

Delivering granular access management in complicated DevOps environments. The right people accessing the right technology at the right time. 

Providing foresight to future proof your organisation by correlating behaviours and events to predict and prevent threats before they occur. 

Delivering a resilient cloud through real time visibility, centralised logging and SIEM integration events, data and configuration to ensure compliance and deliver a resilient cloud. 

The concern over cyber threats grows

In 2018, 89% of CEOs in Australia are concerned about cyber threats. This is an increase of 9% from 2017. Despite this, less than half of Australian CEOs are investing more heavily in cyber security. 

Explore the findings of our 21st CEO Survey

Contact us

Scott Evans

Partner, Digital Innovation Cloud Engineering Lead, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 406 962 032

Gwil Davies

Partner, Digital Innovation & Cloud Engineering, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 405 876 711

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