3-step Digital Transformation Reset

We follow a three-step process — Diagnose, Design and Deliver. We diagnose key issues, collaboratively design optimal solutions while socialising the path forward and deliver the required changes.

Diagnose (~8 weeks) has three core components:
  • We perform a structured assessment of the levels of (1) alignment, (2) leadership, (3) efficiency and (4) control of the Digital Transformation. This draws on the decades-long expertise of PwC’s Transformation Assurance business.
  • We conduct a technology architecture review to assess if the tech is still fit-for-purpose.
  • We listen to the ‘Voice of the Business’ and ‘Voice of the Customer' to identify if the program is meeting customer needs.
Design (2 to 3 months) is the phase where co-create the path forward, by designing five core components:
  • The strategic business imperatives - we set ‘Objectives and Key Results’ to establish ambition and set goals with measurable results.
  • The digital roadmap - this shows the tech delivery plan, and what customer and business outcomes will be achieved by when.
  • The ‘value equation’ - an agreed framework to measure business and customer outcomes of every tech initiative to allow prioritisation and trade offs.
  • The transformation governance - a structure of meetings, from frontline to senior management with clear ownership, accountability, and decision making.
  • The people change - we (re-)energise the people in the digital transformation to form connections for successful collaboration.
Deliver (12 to 36 months) is where the rubber hits the road. Business and Technology stakeholders work together to deliver business outcomes. Business defines what each team needs to achieve in terms of outcomes, Technology are the experts on the how. Instead of waiting years for a ‘big bang’ release of a new technology, people are energised by rapid delivery drops, and grow their sense of accomplishment.

This 'Diagnose - Design - Deliver' approach is centred around our core belief that technology itself doesn't solve all problems. Where ‘human meets digital’ does. That is to say, technology should never be viewed in isolation but be in service to people, applied through experience and technique. At PwC, we have established an ecosystem of the world’s leading technology specialists to bring a tech-informed perspective to your digital transformation.

Our community of solvers includes designers, platform engineers, data scientists, strategists, consultants and accountants — who combine human ingenuity, experience and technology innovation to deliver sustained outcomes and build trust.

This tried and tested process, underpinned by PwC’s Assurance capabilities, has seen transformative results. One B2B organisation, five years into their digitisation journey, and nearly a billion dollars spent, had little to show for it. We were able to reset their digitisation journey. Today, this organisation uses digital to deliver its business strategy, and the people in the driver’s seat have shared how it “feels completely different - finally we are seeing impact.”

The pace of digital change in the last couple of years has been extraordinary. Yet, it is also true that it will keep accelerating. If you would like to accelerate your digital transformation, our reset can help focus your effort in the right places, and deliver strategic business outcomes powered by digital. 

We’re at your side, with the insights and solutions you need to stay fit for growth. For a more detailed discussion, please get in touch with the PwC advisors below.

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Contact us

Simon Herrmann

Asia Pacific Leader in Generative AI, Partner, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 419 152 466

Amy Stoneham

Partner, Transformation Assurance, PwC Australia

Tel: +61466210572

Tracey Henderson

Partner, Advisory, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 418 872 014

Ro Antao

Advisory Co-Leader, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 2 8266 0000
