CMO Advisory

We help companies drive consistent growth through strategic, accountable & bold marketing.

Creating confidence in marketing

Providing independent and trusted marketing advice without agenda, fear or favour.

The marketing environment has changed more in the last five years than it has in the last 50. The rapid rise of digital, the changing role for traditional channels and a more connected and informed consumer means brands are in a state of constant evolution. At the same time, the media landscape has become more complicated at the cost of transparency, making it more difficult for companies and their Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) to ensure they are getting the most of their brand and marketing investment.

PwC’s CMO Advisory works with boards and c-suite executives to solve this important problem by driving greater transparency, accountability, value and creativity through delivering four key outcomes:

  • Increase the impact of brand and marketing strategy
  • Drive growth across all key metrics
  • Reduce waste and reinvest savings to more effective activity
  • Establish control over the marketing value chain

We have a leadership team of career brand and marketing professional who are passionate about brand and marketing strategy, creative excellence and media efficacy. We understand the industry, the changing landscape and we bring the analytical strength and rigour of the PwC network to our client engagements.

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PwC's CMO Advisory

PwC Australia's CMO Advisory: Working with marketers to drive growth, increase impact and reduce waste.

Our services

Brand and Marketing strategy informed by data and shaped through insight

We are focused on creating clear and consistent alignment between organisational goals and the brand, marketing, media and communications strategy for the organisation. Informed by data and in-depth research, we believe a sound strategic foundation is the key to any long term growth.

  • Brand Strategy
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Media Strategy
  • Communications Strategy
  • Marketing Data and Analytics Strategy
  • Cultural Insights Series

Creating future focussed marketing teams to drive growth

Creating the right marketing structure and operational approach are fundamental for the future success of any marketing function. All too often we see marketing departments that have evolved by default versus by design. We work with our clients to create marketing team structures and operating principles that deliver the best outcome for the marketing function and organisation now and into the future.

  • Marketing Function Review
  • Marketing Operations Assessment
  • Marketing Transformation
  • Applied Technology and Automation
  • Insourcing Strategy and Implementation

Maximising customer-facing spend to drive increased impact

Maximising the efficacy and efficiency of every marketing dollar is critical for all organisations. Understanding where and how that money is best allocated is critical, particularly at a time where digital and programmatic activity claim such a high proportion of media budgets and lower cost and higher impact marketing opportunities exit across the value chain.

  • Marketing Budget Assessment
  • Media Advisory and Assurance
  • Digital and Programmatic Review
  • Sponsorship Evaluation and Optimisation
  • Campaign Efficacy Assessment


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Contact us

PwC Australia

General enquiries, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 2 8266 0000

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