What transformation programs do the top-performing companies prioritise? And what benefits can be gained from an enterprise-wide investment into transformation as ‘business as usual’?
To find out the answers, PwC surveyed more than 3,000 business leaders globally including 464 in Australia. Our research identified a three-part formula, divided into 11 factors, that distinguishes the top 20% of companies.
Our research found the top performing companies do three key things:
Click on a segment to find out how much more the top performing companies in Australia are doing this compared to everyone else.
We found these factors enable dramatic performance premiums—and taking an integrative approach to all of them helps leading companies generate outsized advantage.
In Australia, one factor in particular stands out: the top performing companies are 9.5 times more likely to be totally committed by prioritising and investing in top-to-bottom, end-to-end transformation.
For example, the top performing companies in Australia are 1.6 times more likely to have recognised transformation as a top priority three years ago and 6.1 times more likely to have increased investment in enterprise-wide transformation by more than 30% during that time.
The companies who make it into the top 20% gain super-sized rewards, achieving more than 4.6 times the performance premium - the combined effect of profit margin and revenue growth, adjusted for industry - relative to the bottom 80% of businesses.
PwC surveyed 464 respondents in Australia at director level or above with anonymised responses, in November 2022, from the following industries: consumer markets; financial services; technology, media and telecommunications; industrial, manufacturing and automotive.
How can your business thrive in an era of constant disruption? Understanding these three key obstacles to business model reinvention will help accelerate performance and build success into your transformation journeys. PwC Global experts behind Accelerating Performance, Lang Davison and Dr Wayne Borchardt share their global insights for the Australian market.
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