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Optimistic outlooks and courageous decisions.
Australian CEOs and their global counterparts are showing record levels of optimism about the year to come. But to ride that buoyant wave organisations have some courageous decisions to make; how to align purpose and values to restore trust, how to embrace the intelligence revolution to drive enhanced customer experience and how to reduce the gap between their current and future fit workforce. 2018 is the year of visionary decision making to set up future success. Explore the findings and the actions needed in our insights series below.
Concern for a lack of trust in business continues to rise. Those looking to restore trust will need to adopt new business models, behaviours, new ways of working and become more human to win in today’s market.
Tech is an enabler for enhanced customer experience but AI and changes in technology require a consideration of: processes, systems, products and messages, along with the right skills and talent.
Find out moreThe gap between a current workforce and a future fit workforce is vast, leaders need to respond today to attract and develop the right talent.
Find out moreUse our data explorer tool to view how CEO's responded to our 21st Global CEO Survey.
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